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  • I had to stay off work today and have a corona test taken because of mild flu symptoms. I don't think it's corona, but better safe than sorry. Now I just have to wait for the results, I should know by tomorrow, if not tonight.
    I hope it's just the flu or something!
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    I finally got the Mirai 2020 bluray last week and today had time to watch it. I so wish I could've been there. Hopefully this year I can go again, it's already been far too long since my last Miku live concert.
    I have a bit of a difficult situation at work currently, one employee I'm working with is a massive conspiracy theorist. He has it all from being covid denialist to antivaxer and flat earther. I just wish I could go to work just to do my job and not having to listen him trying to convince me vaccines are deadly and corona is a ploy to enslave people etc etc. Usually I just either say nothing or give very vague neutral responses when he brings "those" things up (that's basically what everyone in the company does with him), hoping he'd get the hint that I don't want to talk about the alternate truth. Given I have to work with him I don't want to cause hostilities by trying to talk back (knowing him he would surely turn hostile and that'd be a big problem), and when he's not on about the conspiracies he's really nice and friendly. It's just tiring having to listen to his views on every break and during the drive to/from the depot to the worksite. Trying to talk sense to him won't work as I've come to learn both personally and from older employees who have worked with him for years. It is really just so tiring and I'm kind of hoping this site will finish soon and after that we'd get posted to different worksites, so I don't have to hear these things every day.
    I deal with this too, there are people in my life who are like this and since theyre close to me its really sad seeing them thinking they have it all figured out when theres actually severe brainwashing at play and due to this I find myself in these circles and have seen just how deep this rabbit hole goes, its quite scary and as you said its very hard to convince them otherwise.
    When I can't talk sense to such people I just start agreeing with them with subtle sarcasm. For a lot of them that takes the fun out of it.
    The spring is progressing so well that I changed summer tyres on my car (law requires winter tyres in winter conditions, I have studded ones for the winter). The car drives so smooth and quiet again as I've grown used to the noisy winter tyres during the past 5 months.
    The arrival of spring means work is getting quite hectic again. It's fine for now, but gradually our company is getting more and more busy as several new projects start around spring and early summer.
    I'm going to try and be contemporary for a change and draw this year's Racing Miku. I'm actually somewhat looking forward to doing it, I just hope I won't get bored with it in the colouring stage (If there's one thing I dislike about drawing Miku, it's shading the twintails especially).
    Time to rant about the postal service again. After more than a week my package is still in the postal service's storage, even after emails to the customs (which cleared it on the same day) the post thinks I still have to make a customs clearance and pay their stupid handling fee (which I don't have to, since it's value is under 22 euros). This morning I spent more than half an hour in their customer service chat, and I'm still none the wiser. The customer service lady said she'll try to sort it out so that the package could be released, but I am a little skeptical anything will actually happen. At worst nothing happens until 20 days have passed from it's arrival and it'll get returned to sender. In previous times getting a package released has been a matter of one email and one extra day, but all this year the post has been having huge problems and delays handling inbound mail from abroad.
    /Rant over for now
    Now I know what the nasty looking cartoon postman from yesterday was planning. He threw my package back to customs even though it had already cleared sorting and was expected to arrive tomorrow. The thing is that it doesn't require customs clearance though as it's low value, so now I'll have to email the customs office again and wait a couple of days until they respond and release it. And of course since it's easter this week the package won't arrive until some time next week.
    I hear a lot about issues with customs, fees, taxes, and stuff from those in Europe. And it seems like in the UK the royal mail always throws your package off the back of a truck a few times. I've also heard of a person in Canada who ordered a large order of manga getting it seized by customs because they think it's pr0n.
    Blue Of Mind
    Blue Of Mind
    I've never actually ordered anything from abroad, but I have heard horror stories about Royal Mail ripping people off with international deliveries, to the point that some American stores explicitly warn about it because they had customer complaints directed towards them when the customs fees were out of their control.
    I've never had a problem with customs, but in Finland the system works so that the postal service stores packages that need to be cleared (=recipient has to pay the taxes, if the items are worth more than 22 euros). So in this case the customs really has nothing to do with it, the post just made a mistake in sorting and returned it to the customs storage(that's actually the mail centre's storage). It has happened to me before, the only way to get it out is email the customs with proof of the items value and wait for them to tell the post to release it, which takes a couple of days.
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