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aru ii
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  • With the the vys releasing for aivoice another huge wave of hate came from western twitter for the engine, and it kills me. Not all of synthesis is meant so sound realistic and not all people want realism from synthesis. Western vocatwt has a very hard time understanding this concept it seems
    Coming from soneone who's not a huge fan of AIvoice the lack of realism isn't the problem personally, it's that it sounds far too glitchy to be understandable. Voiceroid and Aquestalk arent realistic but I would not in a million years call it bad, and while Cevio talk is a bit quirky with pronunciation I still kinda like it? But try as I might I just cannot bring myself to like AIvoice - it's too glitchy and full off strange popping sounds and artifacting that makes it actively difficult to understand what they are saying. I think the hate is overblown but I can't agree with the angle of it being only because it's not realistic sounding.
    aru ii
    aru ii
    Aivoice is almost exact same engine as voiceroid though… voiceroid/gynoid talk/Galaco talk/Una talk have the same popping sounds and sharp transitions
    Even if that's the case it's really not as bad on voiceroid as on AIvoice in my experience - there is more to synthesis than just what engine a program uses, configuration also matters and a lot of AI voice libraries in my opinion are just not very well configured. But I guess we just gotta agree to dissagree to that one. The point is I doubt lack of realism is the issue here. Like I said Cevio Talk is also not the most realisticTM. And people love the funny meme tts that reads reddit posts on youtube too and that one is def not a realistic text to speech. I am sure there are people who *are* mostly being upset cuz "muh realism" but I think there is a bit more nuance to it is what I was trying to say.
    So I tested out AnoKano :anon_lili::kanon_lili:
    Kanon is brilliant, versatile, has a rich tone and is very easy to use, but Anon… she’s just so… sophisticated and not very versatile. I don’t hate her (in fact I still like her tone) but it’s not fun to use her. It looks like people are right in saying that u need to use a bank to form a full opinion on it. I used to prefer Anon to Kanon but after using them my opinion changed hehe
    I had the opposite experience went in preferring Kanon and left an Anon Stan lol it’s funny how that happens sometimes a voicebank just doesn’t click with you :) aka me anytime I tried to use flower lol
    I remember that as a non-producer I liked Miku Sweet a lot and Solid was probably my least favorite, but now that I've used them Solid is a ton of fun and Sweet might actually be my least favorite to use which breaks my heart TuT

    Her tone is so sweet and innocent but she's just so quiet and Dark and Soft can cover some of her genres with less of the need to crank up their volume
    really wanna buy fuiro, but my v6 crashes on my computer if i try to open it hvedhvdvffegvefegf
    It’s hard for me to realise that this summer after haru releases we wouldn’t get any new kamitsubaki vbs… they have been consistently releasing for the past 3 years and I’ve been a fan of each vip vb. so sad to see them go
    Rn obsessing over France's 2023 Eurovision entry
    Yeah it's very nice (just lacking a final oompf feel towards the last part but still enjoyable)

    (However I'm still salty about the Breton band having been second-to-last last year ; they didn't deserve to be so low, I would have expect them to be at least somewhere in the middle T_T"' )
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    aru ii
    aru ii
    iq the language bein so unknown made people not be the fans of the Breton song last year
    A question for people who make their own vsynth physicals and live in the Us. So, lately I’ve wanted to start making physicals for some of my digital loids, but I’ve encountered a problem. I can’t really find any service that would print on the cds. The only solution I found is a special printer that can print on the cds, but they are quite expensive 🧚‍♀️. So, are there any services that can print on cds?
    I’ve heard of people printing the box art, but I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anyone get custom printing on the dvds.
    I've been making my own boxes for a while! There are specialty labels you can purchase for disks, along with a device called a label applicator. :kaito_move:

    You can also find templates for most types of disk labels online. I usually import the template into an image editing software, align the images and text I want on the label with the template, and print it. I use an inkjet printer, but I don't see any reason this method couldn't work with a laser printer. A package of 20 labels plus the applicator ran me about $45. Below are links for the labels and applicator I use; hope this helps!
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