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  • Finally back home after a total of about 16+ hours travelling (train-plane-car) and having lost one night's sleep since I can never sleep on a plane. And I have to wake up for work tomorrow at 5 in the morning. Nevertheless my Japan trip was well worth it, looking forward to doing it again next year.
    Flying home late tonight. I just realized the Azur Lane 6th Anniversary event is on today (I overlooked it as being on the 10th, but it's actually a two day event), so I still have time to go there today!
    Playing Azur Lane has to some extent got me interested in naval history and the actual ships the characters are based on. On a whim I ended up buying a model kit of Akagi. I used to build some scale model planes when I was young, but it's been a while and I have no experience in ship models so we'll see how it goes. Also it seems the cost of paints and whatever else you need sums up to quite a lot in the end. Maybe during the winter I have time to build her.
    I didn't even bother watching the Mirai livestream this year. I felt it was already depressing enough to be rejected by Japan yet again, that sitting at home watching what I'm missing out on again would just make me even sadder. I'll just watch the concert when the Blu-ray comes.

    I'd be lying if I said I'm not bitter. I was so sure this was the year I could go again. Also lost quite a bit of money on tickets, but that's not as bad as not being able to go, and byuing multiple tickets was a risk I was willing to take.
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    Pretty much how I feel. I also lost money but especially that rejection, yeah. I am bitter and honestly, fuck Japan.
    I spent so much time there visiting and everything, and they just keep kicking me/us in the balls, keeping us out for no good reason.
    I get what you're saying. It isn't the same as missing the chance to make an international trip to visit Miku in her hometown (which, God, I'd like to do), but I recently traveled through the city I would've visited to go to Expo 2020. It was for work, and I didn't have any leeway in terms of time/travel, since I was using public transit at the time. It was really bittersweet as I made my way to my connecting arrangement there--I was doing exactly what I would've done on a night that I'd planned out and imagined over and over, and I knew the venue was close enough that it would've been feasible for me to walk there if I'd had the time. I tried to get a glimpse of it along the skyline, but no dice. If I'd had the time, I would've gone there, just to have the chance to look at the building, 2 years late.

    I really feel like 2023 will be open, though. Keep your chin up and, after the disappointment, pain, and anger subside a little bit, try to hope for this coming year.
    Oooooooooookay, I get the anger and bitterness and frustration, and it’s absolutely justified! But please remember that Covid is still a thing, and it’s a thing people are still dying from daily. It’s not as severe as it was at the pandemic’s peak, but in areas with high population density, like, say, Japan’s multitude of cities near or over a population of one million, it’s still a threat. Japan isn’t God; they didn’t see your years of support as fans and set out to personally spite you by refusing you entry. They’re a government whose borders are closed in a bid to protect their populace. These laws are becoming increasingly lax as we speak. It won’t last forever.

    By all means, be angry, be upset, I know I’d be pissed too! But you have to remember that there’s no personal vendetta against y’all. There’s more to Japan than Miku dakimakura and Magical Mirai. The Japanese government is ultimately doing what they feel is best to protect their people, and once they feel the threat is suitably minimized, things will go back to normal.
    JP government is apparently planning to "significantly" ease entry restrictions for foreign arrivals next month. Hopefully this would mean tourists will be allowed back (so maybe a Magical Mirai trip this year could be possible, I'm sure hoping it would).
    I'm somewhat tempted to go and order my first non-Miku scale figure.
    I've felt like getting an Azur Lane figure for some time, but the characters I like tend to have only expensive figures made of them (like Prinz Eugen and Taihou). At least Honolulu's Light Armor ver. is somewhat reasonably priced.
    Lately I have been drawing some non-Miku stuff, but since Miku Day is just a week away I should try and finish something for the celebration
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