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  • Gonna skip this SynthV update as I've heard it's adding noise to some of the voicebanks I own, hopefully the quality issues get resolved soon
    This Miriam original might genuinely be one of the best Vocaloid songs I've heard
    I'm 99.99% certain this song uses Lola and not Miriam, with the Miriam attribution being an error on Wikipedia way back when that's got copied back and forth.

    Still a great song tho~
    It sounds like it's using both to me, I can hear multiple vocalists in there *edit* Although maybe that's just me getting mixed up with the Cantor
    Not my type of music but surprisingly well made!
    Was checking official accounts for news and found Gumi herself requesting new features for Vocaloid6??? What's going on :clara_ani_lili:
    They seem like good ideas though, Ms Megpoid has shrewd technical intuition.

    *edit* Looking at the translation, Gumi is not merely asking. "I want this to be addressed as soon as possible." She wants RESULTS
    Saw Dreamtonics post on Facebook about ethical AI and hiring voice providers; although all press releases are marketing choices, it's a great relief to see them aware of AI discourse and consciously placing themselves on the side of empowering artists. After we've had so many companies make absolute fools of themselves regarding AI, it's good to see one with a modicum of awareness. :clara_ani_lili:
    If you've noticed images not appearing on the forum, it may be due to recent changes to Imgur's TOS! If you have images hosted with Imgur, I've found uploading them to another image host fixes the issue. Thanks to Cluemily for the heads up!
    Finally figured out what Anri's singing style reminds me of: when you're absent-mindedly singing the song that's stuck in your head under your breath while you work. i'm like, 90% sure my co-worker voiced Anri
    Pros of Miku staying on NT:
    - we love a comeback kid
    - competition is good

    Pros of Miku moving back to Vocaloid:
    - crosslingual and vocalochanger
    - still sounds Vocaloidy, no need to faff around to make her sound like Miku
    - it would be funny (memes)

    Pros of Miku moving to SynthV:
    - could still sound like Miku if they're smart about how the samples are processed
    - MIKU RAP
    - it would be funny (everyone panics)
    Maybe putting a flanger on everything was the key to becoming a professional electronic musician all along
    Sometimes it's fun to sort Vocaloid songs by view count, because there's always something you don't expect. If you'd asked me if Cyber Diva ever had an original that broke the 10 mil mark, I would not have answered correctly. Look at the top ten: what's that? By god, it's a Dangan Ronpa fansong with a steal chair!
    Although it can get monotonous every release, I'm okay with people criticising Yamaha. Right now they're asking customers to pay more for less, and it's understandable that Una fans would feel upset knowing they'll need to pay double for what another engine offers for free. With fewer features and harsher pricing, Yamaha is choosing to put less into their product to increase their bottom line. It's not unexpected: vocal synths aren't their main source of income by a long shot, and the VOCALOID team can only work with the budget they're given. But I have my fingers crossed that more competition in the industry will eventually encourage them to be a little more generous with what they offer their fans.
    “At the end of the day, disliking V6, or wishing a new release was on a different engine, doesn't make anyone a bad person”

    She never said it did. She’s saying a lot of the more overt criticism comes not from a place of honest critique, but toxic brand loyalty. No one is trying to insinuate liking one thing makes someone good or bad. That’s the issue: any time this topic comes up, accusations start flying, be they direct or passive-aggressive. It’s an issue on both sides, but no one is any lesser just for liking something, and I don’t think anyone would argue with that point, so discussions like these rarely prove productive.
    I know: this phrase was clarifying my original opinion, which was made in response to people presenting engine criticism and comparison as an inherently bad thing to do. I think Patuk might have misinterpreted it as endorsing the behaviour of a different group of fans. Imo, the issue of pitting engines against each other has a bit of nuance to it: being aggressively competitive about what you like is counterproductive, but products aren't people, so acknowledging areas where one offers more than another is perfectly okay. I understand that it's annoying if your timeline is bombarding you with people expressing their opinions in a way that's extreme or repetitive.
    And no one is arguing that. I think it’s equally fair to say some of that criticism is coming from a place of bad faith, though. Patuk’s point wasn’t “V6 haters, bleh,” it was “V6 isn’t a perfect engine but there’s people hating it solely because it’s not SynthV,” and that’s something that needs to be acknowledged too. That’s the issue I have; the implication that saying some criticism isn’t being made objectively means you’re trying to defend said product as being flawless and superior or what have you. As you said, they’re products, not people, so I guess seeing the levels of vitriol I’ve seen between all sectors of the fandom just has me baffled.
    body yoghurt, body butter ...eagerly awaiting the next skin care sensation: body string cheese
    every personality test:

    1. Do you like talking to people?
    2. Are you a talkative person?
    3. Do you socialise often?
    4. Would people describe you as gregarious?
    5. Is your heart filled with HATE and MURDER?
    6. Do you talk to lots of people, often?
    Grimes: I'm interesting in making an AI of my voice!
    Fanbase: You should make a Synth-
    *I run through the door and tackle them to the ground, details of Grimes' 999 controversies and misdeeds spilling out of my backpack*
    Eh, you could probably do without knowing tbh.
    Outch, just looked at her page OTL

    (Also with all those stories and controversies about AI, now I kinda feel guilty for having thought about Moïse or even AI equivalent fo my babies.... But since my schedule is pretty much tied, I wouldn't be able right now to get enough time to make those projects come alive OTL at this point it's just trying to learn and picking up some of my favourite tunes in my laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarge inner playlist)
    The Person aside, if a proper voicebank were made, her "terms"-- 50% royalty on any "successful song", is wildly contrary to the actual application of this technology. It'd probably be the worst license ever.
    I wouldn't be surprised if Teto ended up filling the same niche as Flower on Synthesizer V; their voices aren't the same; but I think they'll suit similar songs. It's fortunate that as well as being Teto, she stands out from the other SynthVs - I could see people picking her up even if they weren't big Teto fans, just for her unique timbre.
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