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REDD's Art Thread


Aspiring Fan
May 19, 2020
hey uh
i'm just gonna post my vocaloid art here
Here you will find both sketches and finished pieces alike.
I mainly draw Engloids, specifically Leon, Lola and Miriam.
My favourite voca/synths are:



UTAU is my religion!!!
Feb 28, 2019
I LOVE THESE!!! Love the design you gave Lola especially :lola_lili: She's rocking those glasses.
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👵Escaped from the retirement home
Apr 9, 2018
Wow, I really like your art style! Do you have more art on Twitter or anything like that?
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Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
That has to be one of the most unique Leon and Lola designs I’ve ever seen! I love everything about both especially Leon, they look really good!
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I create symphonic metal/rock using Gumi.
May 20, 2020
United States
You're a really good artist. It amazes me how much artistic talent there is in the Vocaloid community. I frequent the Vocaloid reddit as well, and there are some really great original pieces on there. Looking forward to your next work!
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Aspiring Fan
May 19, 2020
My tablet has been out of commission until my new nibs come in, so i only have pen doodles to share, unfortunately.


I headcanon Rion to be very good with computers (and a skilled coder to boot), and she'll gladly help you with a small issue with your PC if you pay her in cream-filled doughnuts <3


elf avanna best avanna dont @ me

here's a babby sonika (ft. my long ass fingernails damn gurl learn 2 trim)

idk if "tsundere" is the right term to describe it but i definitely like the idea of easily-flustered Miriam

an attempt was made to try and draw cyva (idk how it came out)
i kinda like how ruby came out tho


yes i know the "british gentleman" leon hc is overdone but i just love it so much and it feels so right aiughghguh

i hc that leon's personality could be best described as "simultaneously 13 and 30"

sketchy pencil expression practice (in which i cant tell whether the kawaii expression or the crying expression hurts my soul more)
((update: yeah im gonna go with the crying one))

confused leon ft. a hastily drawn kaito judging from above

and here we have bEST SHIP BAYBEE (with awkward posing)
and i promise i'll figure out how to draw kaito someday lmao give me time

So yeah, my nibs should be in next week, so lets hope i can get back to making full art soon!


👵Escaped from the retirement home
Apr 9, 2018
They are all so good, while scrolling through, these really put a smile on my face! Thank you for showing us your drawing notebook!


Aspiring Fan
May 19, 2020
Uh, wow, damn. It's been a hot minute since I posted in here, so imma fill this up with some sketches (mostly of Leon, go figure) ive done since last time. (No full Vocaloid art since last time though, i'm afraid.)

This is my most recent sketch of Leon, and I've made some slight adjustments to his design. The main difference being that I've changed his hair from being straightened to being mostly in locs. (i think that's the right term for it, correct me if im wrong) You can kind of see that his baby hairs around his neck are loose and more wavy, but other than that, it's in locs. I'm still deciding if I want to change his eyes to a dark brown/black from the light hazel colour it was before. I like how they look here though.

The following sketches are from a few weeks ago, before this adjustment.
Here's just some various Engloids. (which i need to get on drawing more augh)

So yeah, sorry i dont have much to share this time around, i'm currently working 2 jobs now, so I haven't have much time to draw orz I do wanna start doing more Vocaloid stuff, so here's hoping I get to do that lmao.

Thanks for viewing!


Aspiring Fan
May 19, 2020
So uh, a LOT of life stuff happened since I posted here last and uh... needless to say uh
i have a new account now!
I'm on Instagram under @reddchan99 (almost exclusively art w/some personal-ish stuff in stories)
and I'm on Twitter under @akaichan99 (kinda personal account with art, kinda half-and half right now, *kinda*)

regardless, i HAVE, in fact, been drawing Vocas! (mostly Leon again, w h a t e l s e i s n e w l o l)
So yeah, ^this is my current (albeit not complete in terms of Lola) designs for my babies. I plan on doing a proper finished illustration for them soon, once i get to it lol

I also have some older images of Leon, but these are months old by now and i lowkey hate them because the aNATOMY IS SO OFFF AUGHGHGHGHGH
but ye here ya go!
first (kinda) initial sketches for this variant of his design haha lol THIS IS WHEN I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO DRAW HIS LIPS AUGHGHGHGHH
i tried making a semi-realistic album cover type image. it did not work.

but yeah! expect more voca sketches soon!
who knows?? i might get particularly DARING and draw someone OTHER THAN LEON?!?!?!?!? :pogchamp:
haha lol but nevertheless it's good to be back!



Aspiring Fan
May 19, 2020
Alright, here's my stuff for this week!
Showing off the full drawing first, I decided to draw some stylized Rikka this time around!
It should also be noted that I am getting more and more into Y2K/2000's aesthetics~

I really like how it came out! <3

And now for the sketch pile section!

Here's my initial sketches for Rikka, this is me toying with different ways of drawing her.
More Rikka sketches, you can see me getting a little closer to what i have in the finished image in the previous compilation <3
And here we have my attempt at making Muxin's design more fitting with the rest of the MEDIUM5 characters. I really like the idea of Muxin having the element of night/dark, seeing as his voice has a very nice whispery, melancholic feel that I like.Not a refined design, by any means, but an interesting sketch nonetheless.
Initial sketches for the above Muxin design.
And here's some GUMI!!!! I really like how this sketch of her turned out.
Here's some sketches I did yesterday at a friend's house before Bible study~
This is me attempting to find a stylization for Miku, with varying results. You can see my footnotes on the page, and this is, again, me toying around with different styles.
I tried to stylize Neru as well, to more varying results. I think i was getting tired at this point, so tbh these aren't my best lol.
Here's Momo! Pretty much the same sentiment as the previous image.
Here's a REALLY CUTE KAITO i drew last night! I think i was able to capture my headcanon personality for him in this design very well!
And again, would this really be a true entry if I didn't draw Leon? aughghg
Upper right head sketch is a bit off, i kinda fumbled a bit on the mouth area, but I think the lower left sketch looks alright!

Thank you all for viewing!


Aspiring Fan
May 19, 2020
Alright! I've FINALLY managed to make a PROPER drawing of my new Leon design!


Really like how that one came out. I think Y2K is my new favourite aesthetic (and it fits so well for Leon <3)

Not a particularly big entry this time around, I've mostly been drawing my console gijinkas a bit more, but here's a few Leon doodles sketches:
This one's... okay i guess. The mouth area is still a bit confusing when not shaded/coloured in. I need to design that area better, methinks.
And here's some (albeit wonky) doodles done with a BRAND NEW pen and papers that my boss gifted me! Very nice! This pen was such a joy to use!!!

So yeah! That's all for this entry! Thanks for viewing!


Aspiring Fan
May 19, 2020
Hi guys! How are you all doing?
First thing here, made this today, it's more of an attempt at y2k graphic design/vector art, seeing as it's essentially traced over a certain Nendroid, but I really like how this Gumi piece came out!

Second off here, we have a KAITO! I tried for a certain effect in this next one (i wanted it to look like he's giving the viewer nuzzles with his hands) but idk how it came out. I tried making variants of this one, but every time i tried adding effects, I found it just took away from the structure of the drawing. So here it is anyways!

And lastly, here's an image I drew months ago that I completely forgot to post!
It's supposed to be a faux-album cover with Miku. I think it looks ok. I wanted it to have a kind of cute-but-also-a-bit-crazy feel but idk how it turned out.
Here it is!

And that's all for this post, folks! Thanks for viewing!

aru ii

Your Neighborhood Tianyi Enthusiast!
Feb 12, 2021
Hi guys! How are you all doing?
First thing here, made this today, it's more of an attempt at y2k graphic design/vector art, seeing as it's essentially traced over a certain Nendroid, but I really like how this Gumi piece came out!

Second off here, we have a KAITO! I tried for a certain effect in this next one (i wanted it to look like he's giving the viewer nuzzles with his hands) but idk how it came out. I tried making variants of this one, but every time i tried adding effects, I found it just took away from the structure of the drawing. So here it is anyways!

And lastly, here's an image I drew months ago that I completely forgot to post!
It's supposed to be a faux-album cover with Miku. I think it looks ok. I wanted it to have a kind of cute-but-also-a-bit-crazy feel but idk how it turned out.
Here it is!

And that's all for this post, folks! Thanks for viewing!
I adore your aesthetics so much. Gives me a sort of nostalgic vibe. Keep up the work :mirai_ani_lili:
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