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Search results

  1. Salt

    What languages can you speak?

    I'm a native english speaker but I'm also learning Danish, Polish, Korean and Dutch (Plus Japanese due to school, But I'm not really studying it outside of school tbh) Jeg kan tale bedre Dansk som det er sproget jeg ved de bedste, men dansk er sjovt at lære. men utdale er virkelig dårlig Altho...
  2. Salt

    General Discussion Thread

    It's probably not Sonika as they confirmed it on Twitter
  3. Salt

    General Discussion Thread

    Hopefully it's sort of like a Sonika 2.0 (It's not a Sonika update but hopefully it's similar to Sonika)
  4. Salt

    General Discussion Thread

    I'm still confuffled over ZeroG's new thing, I'm really hoping it's a vocaloid and not a sample thing.