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Question Unusual Production Quirk in Some Vocaloid Songs?


New Fan
Aug 29, 2024
(Was unsure whether to post to fandom or here but figured it would be more appropriate here as it relates to the song's production itself). My music tastes tend over to the heavier side of the EDM and have noticed in some songs seem to have frequencies below 100 hz completely scrubbed out. It is especially noticeable since i've only have seen this in genres where those frequencies are very important. This results in some comically underwhelming drops alongside the song in general not sounding full. Completely high-passing the bass also seems to be done exclusively by Japanese producers. My hypothesis is this is likely done to make the audio sound less muddy on phone speakers, as PJSK does have many songs made specifically for it. I still wanted to ask because chopping off bass greatly reduces a song's enjoyability.

(Semi-related Side note: producers need to check eq before adding preset instruments. The hardstyle break of Konton Boogie shouldn't be the least intense part of the song.)

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