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Search results

  1. Stardust Daydreamer

    VOCALOID What Theoretical Vocaloid, Voicebank, or Append Would You Buy?

    I’m asking this as a theoretical, since companies will make what they want to make. When I ask this, I mean is there a specific voicetype you want, a Vocaloid that you want to sing in a certain language, or a specific append/secondary voicebank that you would buy, no questions asked? If you...
  2. Stardust Daydreamer

    ~ Galaco Fanclub ~

    Welcome, one and all, to the Galaco fanclub! This is your home for all things Galaco, the best starry Vocaloid. (Not to imply that the other galaxy/star themed Vocaloids are bad, just that Galaco is awesome too!) Who is Galaco? (Prize art by Kei) Galaco is a V3 Vocaloid who is currently...