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  1. Juan Ramilo

    A.I.VOICE Announcing Department

    There some new character in A.I.VOICE https://aivoice.jp/announcer/ https://www.ai-j.jp/20210701_2 The name are Yuki Kaori, Hinode Ken and Shiozaki Kazuki
  2. uncreepy

    Other Crowdfunding for A.I.VOICE Adachi Rei, TTS without a voice provider

    A Twitter user called missile_39 has begun crowdfunding on CAMPFIRE hoping to produce an A.I.VOICE text to speech voice bank for Adachi Rei (足立レイ). Her special trait is that she is TTS without a voice provider (timestamped): Her voice is produced through overlapping Sin waves. The method for...
  3. uncreepy

    A.I.VOICE (AITalk5) General News

    Link to the PDF: https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/4388/tdnet/1751595/00.pdf From AI Talk's news section (September 13th): 株式会社AI(エーアイ) (Thanks to Fumito Fumizuki https://twitter.com/fumito_fumizuki for pointing this news out in the Discord.) I translated the important parts: AITalk is currently...