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  1. Pup-p

    Fujita Saki covers The snow white princess is

    For the project CrosSing
  2. SeleDreams

    VSQ [Hatsune Miku V3] Blaze - VOCALOID COVER + VPR DL

    I made this cover of Blaze by Robohiko in order to test Miku V3 (as I just purchased her). It's mostly based on my Mayu cover so I didn't plan to post it. However I liked the result so much that I felt like posting it. And I thought, why not make my VPR public as well. So here's the result...

    WHAT IF V-SYNTHS SANG? A TikTok cover series!

    I have recently started working on a small series for TikTok in which I post short covers of songs in order to practice and show off my tuning! Despite being in the voca-synth space for many years, I haven't always been confident showing off the stuff that I make - either that or I struggle to...
  4. Shirukagiri-P

    【UTAU Cover】Pleasure Incident【Yuu Tsumihara】+UST DL

    I'm super super happy with how this cover turned out!! It was quite an easy song to midi, I could focus more on the tuning and effects. Voicedrive really added the final touches and mmmmmmm I really feel like I cooked CREDITS Original song: 怪楽事変/Pleasure Incident by Sumia UTAU used: Yuu...
  5. Shirukagiri-P

    Collab I'm making a cover and I want YOU(r UTAU voicebanks)!

    Hi! Shirukagiri here, and I've returned to this frankly beautiful forum to collect your beautiful UTAU voicebanks! I'm making a cover of Rubik's Cube by Nanahoshi Kangen Gakudan and my plan is to use as many people's UTAUs as possible. So, have you always wanted someone else to use your...
  6. AALLF

    AALLF's Covers

    My rock cover of "Down By The River", from the video game "Baldur's Gate 3" featuring Solaria :solaria_ani_lili: . Written by Borislav Slavov. Lyrics: Lace your heart with mine Let your sleeping soul take flight Take me through the night Down, down, down by the river Hanging moon in...
  7. Mr_Meester

    [ Hatsune Miku V4X Cover ] I'll Miku-Miku You ♪ (For Reals)

    So yeah, I made a cover! Let me know what you guys think!

    VoxBox x DiffSinger Reveal!

    Hey, everyone! I've been working hard on bringing a DiffSinger voicebank to life, and I finally feel like I'm ready to show it off to the world - it's been very difficult, and there's a lot more to do, but I'm still proud of the results! The premiere is about 7 hours and 20 minutes from this...
  9. ruffe

    ruffe's covers n' stuff

    Had a lot of fun tuning this one! Thank you to pifuyuu for introducing me to so many bangers. My old cover thread was filled to the brim with dead SoundCloud links and i'm not sure who to contact to remove it so I thought I'd start a clean one with only finished covers. all credits are in the...
  10. MoaHarbor

    !Moa's VSynth Covers!

    This is where I'll post I'll my covers c: (mostly UTAU) Feel free to comment on anything [fERRERO ACT.I] Color And Electricity (OpenUtau) I'm proud of how this turned out (although still not sure on mixing) I had a ton of fun with vocal effects! I found this UTAU and wanted to try something...
  11. iXari3l

    Baka wa Anomaly ni Akogareru but it's Karkat singing

    Damn, that title- Okay in short terms I made a cover, with the speakers, my head hurts A LOT to say the least and I haven't slept a sh*t yet (h e l p)
  12. Frousties


  13. RoidoP

    【Hiraya・Ryan Moriyama】Henceforth - Orangestar feat. IA【UTAU Tagalog Cover】

    Eyyo whadup! How are y'all doing 💜✨ I would like to share to everyone my most recent work! I covered Orangestar's "Henceforth" using Tagalog translyrics that were written by Suroy. I would probably consider this one of my best works yet with improved mixing and mastering and custom...
  14. RoidoP

    【An Xiao 岸晓】カナリヤ / Canary - Kenshi Yonezu 米津玄師【SynthV Cover】

    Eyyo whadup! How are y'all doing 💜✨ I tried Dreamtonics' new SynthV vocal An Xiao and he sounds gorgeous!! :kaito_move:
  15. RoidoP

    【ANRI・Eleanor Forte AI】MJQ-P - "Ang Ating Kuwento"【SynthV OPM Cover】

    Eyyo whadup! How are y'all doing 💜✨ Made a new cover with ANRI and Eleanor Forte for Valentine's Day where they become girlfriends! This song was so precious that I had to cover it asap! Hope y'all enjoy listening :anri_lili::eleanorforte_lili:
  16. ruffe

    うちで踊ろう ft. Kokone (8th Anniversary Cover)

    I couldn't wait until the 14th so I uploaded early... enjoy! :kokone_lili:
  17. RoidoP

    【SOLARIA・RoidoP】Katy Perry - "Unconditionally"【SynthV Cover・I tried to sing】

    Heya! I've recently made a SynthV cover of "Unconditionally" feat. Solaria with vocals harmonies by yours truly~ Hope y'all like it! :solaria_lili:
  18. ruffe

    Shuukyoku no Phantasm (MEIKO cover)

    this whole thing took about 2 days but i enjoyed doing it so much! At this point i'm just considering covers of every CAZ song :clara_ani_lili: anywayssss i hope everyone enjoys it!
  19. RoidoP

    【Ryan Moriyama・Hiraya】"DATI" Maalagang Pasko Remix【UTAU OPM Cover】

    Maligayang Pasko everyone! My latest cover is set to premiere @ 7pm (GMT+8) Have a wonderful Christmas Eve while listening to Ryan Moriyama and Hiraya sing "Dati"!
  20. RoidoP

    【Matsudappoiyo】 Full Service OST - "Kimi No Te / Your Hands" 【UTAU Cover ・ My 1st UTAU Anniversary】

    Eyyo whadup! How are y'all doing :leon_lili: New upcoming cover premiering 11/24 @ 7pm PH Standard Time, hope y'all can make it! :matsudappoiyo_lili: