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  1. Yugifu1

    Can't find my Vocaloid 1 products in the Vocaloid Deactivation Tool

    Hi, I have to deactivate all my Vocaloid products including all my V1s, but this time there is no V1 in the Deactivation Tool! The Vocaloid1s are all active, I can use them, so there is a problem in the app. What can I do? Isn't there a way to turn them off? Probably an old method used when...
  2. ThatGirlMyra

    Leon/Lola Story!

    Hello all! I wanted to start this thread to let anyone who's interested know that I am going to be writing a Leon/Lola pairing story! It won't be too long, but it will still be multiple chapters. So a happy medium, hopefully. Anyway, I'll post the final work to this thread whenever it's...