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oster project

  1. jasmin00

    UTAU 7th Anniversary Cover : Aino Erufu - Eat Me

    My elf daughter Aino Erufu turned seven years old today! ;w; I made this cover as a celebration for her birthday, and I'd love to get feedback! Voicebank download, if someone would like! : Download
  2. Scarlet Illusion

    Oster Project - Distorted Dream and Marionette (Ft. Miku, Rin, Luka, Meiko, and Gumi)

    Well, Oster Project has uploaded a delightful new song! It seems to be perfect compromise between the style of her older songs and her newer songs! (This song captures everything I love about Oster Project, and I love it!)
  3. peaches2217

    [Mo Qingxian & Yuezheng Longya] on the rocks

    On the Rocks is one of my all-time favorites, so I couldn't click fast enough. This is a super good cover!! And the video is lovely and very well-done too. I have such a soft spot for Qingxian. I'd like to have her one day, but I don't know enough Mandarin to justify that just yet.