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  • Could it be? I'm finally sitting down and polishing covers in preparation of a formal return? Mayhaps~

    Admittedly, I found my Peaches cover posted to Tumblr by someone and was like "Hey, cool! I made this!" and it resulted in a three-way conversation in which I vowed to provide more Asterian content, and who am I not to deliver? So I'd definitely like to try easing back into the scene in the coming days! Forgive me. 😅
    Ah yeah, I saw my song "Alive" promoted on Tumblr and I was like "oh, hey, glad to see someone liked it enough to post about it!"

    and it was one of my avanna songs too, which is nice because i tend to expect the miku stuff to get more popular (which may have been part of why avanna was kinda overshadowed by miku for a while in use, since i figured using miku would get me more recognition)
    I’m not dead! Just still adjusting. During major life changes like this one, I tend to kinda retreat and hyperfixate even harder on one specific thing until the change becomes fully normalized. This new town is slowly starting to become home and I’m slowly making friends at work, so I’m trying to ease my way back into all of my regular interests!

    I need to sit down and assess all of the projects I had going. I have no clue where I left off. 😅

    Also, holy SHIT Nintendo fed us GOOD today 😭a new mainline Mario game with a stylized art direction and Peach and Daisy as playable characters? Super Mario RPG remake? Luigi’s Mansion 2 remaster? PEACH FINALLY GETTING HER OWN GAME AGAIN?? Ya boy’s in heaven 💗💗💗
    When you show your gf fanart of a pairing from Story of Seasons and she mistakes them for Gakupo and a humanized Applejack, there's only one logical thing to do: embrace your brand new OTP.

    Phew! On a more positive note, I’m in the final stages of moving! My vocalsynths are snug in my grandpa’s truck and are coming home today, and I should be able to move in by Saturday. On top of that, my new job’s going a lot better than I was expecting! I’m actually enjoying it quite a bit. So once everything settles down I’m looking forward to being back~
    I wanna give a heads-up about that contest Audiologie's hosting: there's a clause in the terms and conditions stating that, if there's any error in the transmission of the winning entrants' prizes - including, from the looks of it, the cash prizes - they're not going to claim any sort of responsibility. I think such a clause is understandable for smaller-scale, handmade-type stuff, but for mass-produced items, and for cash prizes from a company that's able to afford such production? Hhhhhhhhhhhh I don't think they'd actively scam anyone, but it still just doesn't sit right with me, so I would approach with caution.

    Chica, has there been any signs of the egg hatching?
    Finally stopped simping over my favorite fat fictional Italian long enough to try out Fuiro... my GOD. How does one properly do her justice in words? I think Patuk put it best: she's a more flexible Rose. Beautiful, sultry, mature, capable of great power, and excels in the low-mid range while still being able to soar in her highs. And if you need her to be soft or go into falsetto? She does that perfectly too!

    Thank God I've got a birthday coming up, because ain't no way I'm NOT getting her.
    I've finally managed to pull myself away from my recent Mareach hyperfixation to announce some exciting news: I got a new job! I'm gonna be working at Walmart for substantially more than I've made while working for Office Depot. I'll be moving back to the town my dad lives in, and I already know some people at the Walmart I was hired to and my aunt having worked there for 30+ years may or may not have helped me get the job so quickly, heh, so I'm nervous, but I'll have people in my corner. So things may be quiet on my front for a while: a lot's gonna be happening in the next month!

    Which is... probably why I've been hyperfixating so hard as of late. I need something fluffy and soft in a time of huge change like this. Now if only I can stop re-reading the same three fanfics every night and get some SLEEP. :gackpo_ani_lili:
    I am deep in the throes of a new hyperfixation. I haven’t slept in four days. Help. :haku_ibis:
    Melatonin has the strange effect of knocking me out for about two hours, then making me feel way too jittery to go back to sleep once I wake back up, so it’s often counterproductive. Never heard of the second one. I’ll have to check it out! Thank you!
    Woah I’ve never heard about that with melatonin before, but it sounds just like what happens when I take benadryl before sleep.
    Oh I forgot to mention that if you do try l-theanine, the patented suntheanine is much better than the standard l-theanine. Because suntheanine is patented it’s always consistent and doesn’t have any d-theanine in it. The brand I’ve been using for months recently switched from suntheanine and it gave me a wicked migraine. I had to switch brands, but haven’t had any migraines since.
    By request, a washed-out metal singer at a 4th of July BBQ handing the mic to a middle-aged white dad mid-song.

    hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I caved and got Ninezero. You can't present me with a Value Brand Ozzy Osbourne/Blaze Bayley and expect me NOT to cave, c'mon...

    Now! What pretty boy vocal would offset him nicely, I wonder? Because Ozzy and Post Malone have made some bangers together, and I think 9Z and a complimentary vocal would do nicely in one or two of them...
    All this Teto talk comes in at a good time; to help placate my newest hyperfixation, I'm pirating exploring all the Mario games I can get ported onto my 3DS, and I figured I'd find a new theme while I was at it. I love my current one, but I've had it for years now, so a change would be nice!

    Enter this gloriously nostalgic Teto theme. My DS is gonna feel like a new machine~ :teto_ibis: 💓
    Bruh legit games are so expensive nowdays. I do not blame you for uh your method the only reason I focus on real for my gaming is because my brother owns a game store and gives me good deals .-.
    I DO prioritize buying things legitimately where I can - I've got some staunch personal stances on digital piracy, honestly. But this is Nintendo's multi-billion-dollar flagship franchise we're talking about, and none of the games I'm focusing on predate 2006. I think it's fine in this case. 😅
    Blue Of Mind
    Blue Of Mind
    My boyfriend's been selling off his game collection for the last few months and sailing the seven seas because it's become impossible to get certain games secondhand these days, even releases that sold really well back in the day. I dunno if anyone here has seen the drama surrounding Wata Games over the last few years, but retro scuttlebutt has it that certain consoles like the NES have actually attracted money launderers, which is why prices for some games have gone obscene. (In short: there's no genuine retro revival, it's rich people trying to turn dirty money into legit money).
    Mario’s about to hit $1 billion at the box office. I feel like a proud mother somehow. I keep checking news updates, and with every new milestone it hits, I find myself saying “LET’S FUCKIN’ GOOOOOOO!” in the middle of McDonalds while people stare at me in confusion.

    Y’all, I really fucking love this movie, it’s dark enough to be engaging and high-stakes but it’s SO colorful and cheerful and HAPPY, and with the way things are right now, that’s a wonderful thing to have.
    I’ve watched the Super Show! Some friends and I stumbled on it in high school and laughed til we hurt. It was amazing.

    I’ve also been having fun watching John Leguizamo (who played Luigi in the ‘93 movie) freak out over how much better this movie’s doing and desperately trying to hog as much attention as he can. Given that I have him associated with Sid the Sloth, I can’t say I’m taking him too seriously. 😅
    I was highly tempted to watch it (though I'm currently under piles of work so sadly it seems I won't be able to go to theatre like how I expected to OTL)
    Scarlet Illusion
    Scarlet Illusion
    Seeing the movie bring in such numbers makes me so happy!!!
    Also @PearlStarLight5 omg hi... I had a phase where I collected those DVDs and was super obsessed with the show!!! I loved the Super Mario Bros. Super Show/Adventures of SMB3/SMW. They're goated frrrrr.
    My attempts to make Asterian sing substantially out of his range was so painful I couldn't NOT share it. Which is to say: new cover going up soon!
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