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  1. Miwa Kurasaki

    Resampler issue

    All of my resamplers are acting weird Moresampler stopped playing audio Fresamp works okayish tn_FND barely works UTAUgrowl doesn't work TIPs just muffles them IDEFK what Pac does W4U doesnt work Warp doesn't EFB only works well for Kazehiki Presamp gives me permissions errors now I don't know...
  2. Krin

    [SOLVED] - A solution to TIPS resampler not working?

    //Hey hope I'm doin this right, never really post on forums much loll tl;dr — I'm trying to use the TIPS resampler in for Merry Kohaku's Meteor voice. But I'm not getting any sound output!! Works for very few banks. Added some pics to help explain. I've been getting really into Merry's voice...