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upcoming project

  1. Mei-Saime

    Azure Fragment Project - Crystalia Millennium

    Heyo! It's me! As I worked on my UTAU stuff for a while, I decided to bring forth a sub-project known as Crystalia Millennium. This project is an UTAU project, but with more of building a lore and story around 5 characters. What is Crystalia Millenium Story? The story so far: A world inhabited...
  2. Mei-Saime

    [Project Harukaze]

    Hello Mei-Saime here! Along with my UTAU group Azure Voice Studios, I bring a newcomer but with more of a purpose. [Project Harukaze] is a project and she (Harukaze) is an upcoming vocalist and a teaching guide. What I mean is that she will be utilized for helping beginner UTAU users the ropes...