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Favorite Lyrics


May 7, 2021
Recently I'm undergoing the quest of learning how to write lyrics in a "japanese" way (in other words, what considerations would japanese speeakers make when composing a lyric to present a message) and this thread topic subject came up in my head.
What is your favorite lyrics, or just a specific verse and what exactly do you like about how they sung it or the message.
For example:
I like how Rita sung "Little busters!" single, when she says
たかく とべ たかく そら え
たかく けれ たかく こえ を あげ
around 1:06 into the song, I believe it's the transition to the verse to the chorus (I'm illiterate with song structure) and that the change in rhythm and the choped up sentence in japanese is exciting to listen to. I'd like to learn about how it works and the name of the rhythm. the lyrics themselves, flying high, sky high, raising voice high embues the uplifting mood contrasted with the melancholic phrases such as 君の忘れない涙も忘れない sets the bitter sweet contrast and intimate feel of the track.
I think takaku tobe is one bar and the last phrase age is spread across one or more bars, the "ku" is nearly inaudible and I think on a weak beat, "tobe" is on medium and weak beat respectively, and "ta" in each phrase is hits the hardest on the first beat.

(used for demonstration purposes)
Maybe methods on how the composer go about fitting the lyrics you love within the bar while still making it flow together through the song.

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