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Favorite Talkloid moments?


Miku-Avanna-Gumi enthusiast
May 23, 2019
Here are mine:

(Avanna is orange, Big Al is dark red, Miku is teal of course, Yohioloid is black, Kaito is blue, Oliver is navy blue, Luka is pink, gray is anything said in sync)

From "Introducing YOHIOloid + Miku English":
"Whaaat? Two new Vocaloids?" "Master is going to staaarve!"
"I can't help it!" "I'm sorry you can't herp it." (Bonus: "We will, we will!" "Yes we wirr!")
"Hello, Y-Ohio-loid!" "It's pronounced YO-HEE-OH-LOID"
"To be uplo-"
(technically not on purpose but it still makes me chuckle)

From "Introducing Kaito V3 + Luka's English Contest?"
"I came in the mail...packaged!" *proceeds to sing Packaged*
"Ah, Miku, you will always be beautiful. Even Mikudayo and Shiteyanyo have a beauty unrivaled..."
"Ehh?" "Master ships them..."
"Your English ain't bad, Kaito!" -Yohioloid after mercilessly making fun of Miku's English in the previous installment
"You're way too sassy! You'll make poor Miku cry!" "No he wo-"
"I could be the judge!" "You don't even pronounce Rs!" "But I'm British! I can get away with it!"
"What about me?" "Who?" [other things said] "...I'm right here." (Poor Avanna...)
"One last one- I always love a good kit kat bar!"
Luka, Miku, Kaito: I always love a good-" "IALWAYSLOVEAGOODKITKATBAR III WIN!"
Yohioloid giving the phrase "melon" before leaving and everyone saying it while Big Al gets increasingly annoyed, and Oliver's unfazed "...I think Luka won that one"

From "m e m e b o i": the whole "ren" ordeal (and how relatable it is to anyone who's used miku v3e, lol)

From "Let's Speak in English with Luka Megurine": the way Tako Luka pronounces "road roller" and the fact she says it so happily

"Miku's bored"
(miku's v4 accent has meme potential too you know xD)
Luka's deadpan "no"
"You suck >:("

Suki-tan's Talkloids:
The entirety of "Miku has a glitch"
The one where they do impressions of Miku, but especially Dex's impression cause it's so sassy

"Miku hates leeks!?"
-The Scottish Miku. That is all.
-"I will have...LEEK! :D"
-The whole idea of Animasa Miku having no idea why any Miku in her right mind would eat anything but leeks
-YYB Miku's wink

"Len tries to comfort": The whole dang thing. It's so sweet and wholesome.

Cactus: The idea that Miku would absolutely, 100% be getting a V5 update

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