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  • I asked Kuro on Twitter if it's OK for me to use an unofficial TuneLab bridge since he's not planning on making an official V4-compatible one. Currently awaiting a response...
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    Reactions: MillyAqualine
    Is it available somewhere online? I don't like that I can't use OPE in TuneLab.
    look up "vocaloid5fortunelab" on twitter
    vocaloid things you're certain will absolutely never happen?

    for me, avanna talk, or a talk version of any other zero-g-loid. pretty sure zero-g is a music software company and has zero interest in making talk voicebanks for its singers (vocatone on the other hand...i can imagine them making talk voicebanks for theirs tbh. same with ruby's team, and maybe pfx as it seems al and ann are getting maghni voicebanks)

    this is mostly a bummer for prima because i don't think anyone speaks in a sung opera tone??? like, avanna's obviously sung too, but she's clear in articulation and her voice is a bit closer to a "normal voice" one would speak in

    it'd just be cool to have english-language character talk voices, especially in non-american accents as american accents dominate global voice acting (e.g. anime and game dubs, as opposed to local programs like BBC in the UK and RTE in Ireland)
    I'm gonna be honest, sometimes I feel insecure about using old voicebanks because everyone seems to be moving on to the fancy cutting-edge AI technology and I'm still using concatenative voicebanks from the V3-V4 era (with the exception of maybe Chis-A, who's free anyway). Yes, I can use SynthV Basic, but since that's NG for commercial use I feel like I can't use it to make original songs lest I eventually sell them.

    Then again, my idealistic 12-year-old self specifically wanted to be a Vocaloid producer, and the things I experimented with before purchasing Miku, such as UTAU, Sharpkey/Deepvocal, and the free versions of SynthV (R1 evaluation and R2 Basic), and even RenoidPlayer and Sinsy before I even had access to anything more than a Chromebook (I had a PC I could use since before Web SynthV came out), were just to get me ready. Part of me just wants to honor my tween-age wishes, and I'm also super used to Piapro Studio by now.

    But at the same time, in both the vocalsynth fandom and music-production communities, people are largely leaving the old stuff behind in favor of AI-powered stuff, especially SynthV at least in the West. Many of my favorite vocalists are getting updates- and for those who likely aren't, fans are screaming for them to, acting like their companies are criminals for not giving them such- and some new vocals are super tempting too, especially if I could potentially use them well in my favorite genres. But I can't afford it right now, and even when I'm set up with a job I can't just go spending all over the place no matter how much people say "you should totally get X Y and Z!"
    Honestly, my basic advice for anyone when choosing a vocal synth is always the same: choose the vocal synth you like. There'll probably be the odd people who will say you should pick a newer/different one because they like the newer ones or dislike the older ones. But making art is something you do for yourself, and then maybe hope that some people will like it afterwards. And you'll be happier with your art if you make it with synths with which you feel happier working.
    In my opinion old vocal-synths or any software in general, it just old because of the number (release date). Not actual age itself.

    As long as you can use it on modern operating system it's not obsolete.

    Honestly, AI thing is not really a groundbreaking technology, compared to Neutrino that you can write lyrics and rendering online inside your phones without putting a single weight on users back and doing it fast and efficient. That's what i call innovative technology.
    AddictiveCUL (Add)
    AddictiveCUL (Add)
    I won't say you shouldn't worry. Miku is in Piapro so Vocaloid is in it's wekeast popularity point unless a new Miku releases (Vocaloid was never that popular), what leaves the space open for new synths like SynthV and CevioAI to take that sweet spot. But, in my opinion, this won't happen.

    As much as the new technology is cool and all, what people wants is a V4 with better parametters editing, not necessarily AI voicebanks. This happens a lot in the synth community, people hyping stuff and going with the trend, as far as I can remember this happened to Cevio, Cadencii, Neutrino, DeepVocal and probably something else. And, let's be honest, who are they next to Miku vocaloid popularity? Cadencii was literally destroyed by utau some months later it released.

    I can't say for sure if it's just the synth community going trendy again (Because AI in on itself is a pretty big subject right now), but I can definetly say that if it ends up being trendy you will have your space. And you will probably have your space if it isn't too bc, as I always says, realistic singing unless sang by a real human don't has the style, Synthesized vocals have.
    Starting to refine my Vocaloids' personalities:
    -Miku is outgoing, kind, intelligent and altruistic.
    -Gumi is laid-back, easy-going and cheerful, an optimist who goes with the flow.
    -Avanna is gentle, reserved and polite, with a heart of gold.
    -Not a Vocaloid, but Teto is cheerful, eager, and determined, with a mischievous streak and a desire to prove herself. (also she's really fun to draw)
    AddictiveCUL (Add)
    AddictiveCUL (Add)
    Awww, Avanna is so cute! *3 She deserves the world. My HC is if Avanna was a superhero she would have plant superpowers, but would use them to heal not to cause harm (Except for needed situations (Pretty much like that plant girl from Sky High, man that movie is chaotic and pretty good))
    Me as a casual Sweet Ann observer: Hmm. I know Sweet Ann's voicer is Australian, but I don't know if I really hear her accent?

    Me, deciding to download Sweet Ann's installer as a trial and load her into VSQs: Oh wow, she really is Australian, nevermind (some of the loids with non-rhotic dialects are rhotic in the engine sometimes)
    thought i had: vocaloids where they shouldn't be

    like, vocaloids/voicebanks in genres they don't fit at all
    Don't get me wrong, there are nice voca hip hop songs but vocalsynth & gangsta rap would feel so wrong since the lyrics usually revolve around the artist's personal achievements and flexes
    Blue Of Mind
    Blue Of Mind
    Vocametal has long had a reputation for being unintentionally amusing, especially when trying to attempt the more extreme subgenres like black and death, or if it's a cover of a famous metal song.
    but what about individual vocals? i dunno if avanna would fit energetic idol pop a la mitchie m very well for example
    honestly one of the reasons i love miku is that her voice kinda scratches an itch in my brain. her voice is not only cute but also very clear and clean and just...nice?
    i feel like avanna would be extremely polite and good-natured whether she's a hero or a villain

    like, i feel like she'd even care about (and offer tea and biscuits to) her enemies, she's that sweet

    i wonder who the opposite would be. i'd probably have thought fuiro because my first impression of her expression was that she looked condescending, but i could be wrong, maybe fuiro's actually a nice girl who happens to dress edgy
    Dumb thought I had: Which vocal synths are the opposite of other vocal synths?
    headcanon: avanna is an introvert who spent some time deeply wishing she was an extrovert so she could spend more time with her friends without getting drained, and sometimes she's mistaken for one due to her friendly demeanor, talkative tendencies, deeply caring nature, and sense of fun. however, over time she has come to accept her introverted self and give herself time to relax, overworking herself less. some of her favorite activities include reading, painting, gardening and cooking.
    First video Talkloid in a while (and first one that hasn't been taken down/deleted as of now)
    i feel like if chis-a met avanna she'd stare at her for a good long while and then say "you have dots on your face"

    other than that i feel like avanna would kinda remind chis-a of tanaka san
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