This is the talkloid project I mentioned before.
I've been having a hard time and haven't been in a good place for awhile. As part of working on that, I've read a number of things and have been working with reflection and meditation. I set out to create a meditation assistance tool for my own use. I hope others may find it useful also; downloading from Google Drive is allowed.
Meditation Assistance Tool Talkloid
In this audio file, Miku narrates a meditation that focuses on extending kindness to oneself, someone they love, and the broader universe. It's based on the idea/structure of a Buddhist metta meditation, but it's more practical/less affirmation-based than the examples I've seen, which resonates better with me personally. It also includes some ideas that support these activities from the other materials I've read, which consistently express the same ideas. (There is a list of these materials along with the audio file here; it can be opened using the name of the girl everybody loves.)
However, I'm not looking to preach at you. Please feel free to review these items if you wish, and to use or ignore them as makes sense to you. (And, in actuality, with 1 or 2 precepts coming from experiences shared by meditators from a variety of disciplines, the rest of the ideas are just logical extensions. It's basically secular material, and is entirely open to evaluation by your own discernment.)
The audio file includes some pads, as well as a bed of pink noise (to help block out external sounds) and some chimes. The noise/chimes were sourced from the creators below:
"Pink Noise by DigitalSpa" by DigitalSpa via Pixabay
"Copper Bell Ding 8" by floraphonic via Pixabay
"Bells 1" by freesound_community via Pixabay
I've been having a hard time and haven't been in a good place for awhile. As part of working on that, I've read a number of things and have been working with reflection and meditation. I set out to create a meditation assistance tool for my own use. I hope others may find it useful also; downloading from Google Drive is allowed.
Meditation Assistance Tool Talkloid
Let's begin our meditation
Close your eyes and settle yourself for a few moments
Let's begin a metta meditation
Your essence is love
The essence of the universe is love
Feel it
Focus on the love at your core
Let it expand
All is one
Ordinal thinking has no meaning
You are worthy
Hold it to yourself
Move your awareness to someone you love
Imagine them
Give your love to them
You and the universe are love
You can't run out
Give as much of your love as you can
Expand your awareness
To your home
To your town
To the Earth
To the solar system and stars and other galaxies
Expand among them
Into them
All are to some extent confused
Hold them to your heart
Love them
You are all love
All are one
This concludes the meditation
May you be at peace
Close your eyes and settle yourself for a few moments
Let's begin a metta meditation
Your essence is love
The essence of the universe is love
Feel it
Focus on the love at your core
Let it expand
All is one
Ordinal thinking has no meaning
You are worthy
Hold it to yourself
Move your awareness to someone you love
Imagine them
Give your love to them
You and the universe are love
You can't run out
Give as much of your love as you can
Expand your awareness
To your home
To your town
To the Earth
To the solar system and stars and other galaxies
Expand among them
Into them
All are to some extent confused
Hold them to your heart
Love them
You are all love
All are one
This concludes the meditation
May you be at peace
In this audio file, Miku narrates a meditation that focuses on extending kindness to oneself, someone they love, and the broader universe. It's based on the idea/structure of a Buddhist metta meditation, but it's more practical/less affirmation-based than the examples I've seen, which resonates better with me personally. It also includes some ideas that support these activities from the other materials I've read, which consistently express the same ideas. (There is a list of these materials along with the audio file here; it can be opened using the name of the girl everybody loves.)
However, I'm not looking to preach at you. Please feel free to review these items if you wish, and to use or ignore them as makes sense to you. (And, in actuality, with 1 or 2 precepts coming from experiences shared by meditators from a variety of disciplines, the rest of the ideas are just logical extensions. It's basically secular material, and is entirely open to evaluation by your own discernment.)
The audio file includes some pads, as well as a bed of pink noise (to help block out external sounds) and some chimes. The noise/chimes were sourced from the creators below:
"Pink Noise by DigitalSpa" by DigitalSpa via Pixabay
"Copper Bell Ding 8" by floraphonic via Pixabay
"Bells 1" by freesound_community via Pixabay