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VOCALOID Vocaloids (and other vocal synths) as tea


Miku-Avanna-Gumi enthusiast
May 23, 2019
I just had this thought as a tea drinker

If Vocaloids had flavors of tea, what would they taste like?

:miku_lili: I can see Miku tea being minty in honor of her main color (and mint tea is one of the most well-known herbal teas). Maybe a peppermint tea for its cooling sensation? Alternatively a fruity tea of some kind. Could be hot or iced.

:gumi_lili: Gumi tea would definitely be a fun flavor, maybe a bright zesty orange tea? Apparently carrot tea is an actual thing as well. I can see her being more of an iced tea person than a hot tea person.

:eleanorforte_lili: For Eleanor Forte, I can imagine a stereotypically "classy" or "posh" tea like Earl Grey. Some sort of black tea likely. (I only have Ellie's Lite version but since her Standard full voicebank hasn't come out yet I'm kind of counting her.)

:teto_lili: For Kasane Teto, maybe...a cherry or raspberry flavored tea, going off her colors? Something fruity to go with the bright pink of her hair and her cute yet powerful tone, a tangy flavor could represent her eager personality.

:yaminerenri_lili: For Yamine Renri...I'm thinking chamomile (or maybe even a more specific nighttime blend, such as Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime or Bigelow Sweet Dreams) because it's often a calming nighttime tea and Renri has a calm voice and a nighttime theme to her design? (I haven't thought of Renri in a while but I do technically own her)

:avanna_lili: For AVANNA, my first thought is a strong Irish Breakfast tea with milk and sugar, which is probably the most stereotypically Irish tea out there but hey, Avanna's literally got shamrocks on her green dress that she wears a big cloak over as if she were about to go on an adventure in some mystical Irish forest, so what can I say? I feel it also represents her well: her voice is warm; full and strong in lower ranges, but also soft and delicate, especially in higher ranges (the latter being the "milk and sugar").

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