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Warning : Some Tunelab extensions may be illegal


Passionate Fan
Jul 31, 2019
I haven't looked too much into Tunelab for a while but seeing many people talk about it recently made me curious.
I originally thought tunelab worked kind of like Melodyne and edited the pitch of already rendered parts to make it work with all of them.

After looking more into it, that doesn't actually seem to be the case.
It seems like tunelab actually relies on extensions to support some engines.
I saw a "vocaloid5 for tunelab" extension going around on the net, shared on a discord server and I kind of looked around its files seeing how it actually interfaced with vocaloid 5...

I found out it doesn't... It litterally BUNDLES the vocaloid 5 code as is in the plugin.
They didn't even try to hide it, those are the litteral YAMAHA CORPORATION signed libraries containing the core engine of the VOCALOID5 synthesis system


What does this mean ?
This mean that we got a huge copyright infringement on our hands where ANY distribution and download of it would constitute a copyright infringement due to it bundling part of vocaloid 5.

I haven't looked at other tunelab extensions yet. I don't know if they all behave this way or if this is specific to the vocaloid5 extension.
I recommend people to be careful however when redistributing tunelab extensions and to check properly before sharing if the code is actually safe legally.


Passionate Fan
Jul 31, 2019
Do you know if the V6 bridge would possibly contain the Yamaha files? I was thinking about downloading it to try it out but...I'm not so sure now. I'm guessing it likely does, though.
I don't know as I can't find the bridge so I can't check its files

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