Hello Everyone!
Art for the nodes were contributed by artists who volunteered from the community. We thought it'd give a nice homey feel having something made by fans for the fans. Characters chosen for each node were at the artist's volition and I'm proud to say we received quite a variety of vocal synths of different companies and languages as well as plenty of differing art styles!
There's no certain time frame as of yet, but more themes will definitely be coming in the future as this is one of the most requested things from the community and something we would love to provide! There are talks of potentially running contests so we can get more fan created themes in the works.
As for the banner, for our default theme we felt it better not to give the spotlight to any one vocal synth in particular and have no current plans of adding characters in the default banner. We wanted to go for something inclusive to all and seeing as we're called VocaVerse, a galaxy/universe theme felt fitting!
Our logo's colour scheme might've also been a tad inspired by Miku ;D while matching the theme we were goin for!
Thank you all for the feedback and hopefully this cleared some of your questions!
Having contests for the nodes would be cool, too- the
characters aren't the problem for me visually, it's the
style of them and how varied they look.
I think that if you wanted to make it an inclusive universe, it would be best to have the vocaloids standing in front of the stars? I get the name now, I was trying to understand why it was called "VocaVerse" instead of "Voca Forum" or something more straightforward////
It just looks so blank, it doesn't seem to relate to the purpose of the forum, despite the intention you have for it. I like the VNN banner because it shows all the vocaloid languages and it looks so inclusive!! Being able to have all the different vocaloids up to include them all would be more "inclusive" than showing none of them at all, you know?
When I first popped on the site I kinda looked at it like-- "Am I in the right place?" but then seeing the little nodes it was clarifying, haha.
Being able to have a contest that gives artists the chance to contribute to the forum would be really neat.
One that has a theme for each month would be a cool experiment too; each month having the banner be headlined by vocaloids released in that month:
February = UNI, KAITO, Xin Hua, kokone, Cyber Diva, Nemu, etc
August = Miku, galaco, Lily, Lumi
(Possibly include other programs too, like ONE being released in January and posting her alongside of January vocaloids).
And having themes for each month? Since February is valentines, having them dressed all cutesie, in April since "April showers", them walking in the rain with their little umbrellas, june/july/august is summer so having beach themes or fireworks, etc??
Just a bunch of little ideas thinking out loud.
***I want to mention that I'm being critical of the forum because I want it to succeed and look its very best. I'm an artist myself (if I'd known we were able to volunteer works I would've gladly contributed!) These are all just my opinions so feel free to agree or disagree as you see fit. I don't want to seem abrasive or mean, but just critical. I apologize if I offend anyone!