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Feedback No Cryptonloids on the home page?


No Miku, no life.
Apr 8, 2018
This might seem biased as a massive fan of the Crypton Vocaloids, but still I think it's weird that of all the characters present on the home page of this forum there is not a single one of those present.
I mean whether you like it or not, Miku IS the face of Vocaloid. Without her a lot of this wouldn't exist or be as big as it is in some regards.

So just curious about that decision and I definitely recommend adding her or others so that fans who are not as familiar with Vocaloid yet and find the page would see some familiar characters.

Also bonus question, is there no way to see how many people have read a specific topic? Think that would be useful.
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Stan Yuezheng Longya
Apr 8, 2018
Honestly? I didn't even notice!!
(For me Vocaloid is just so much more than miku)

Of course it would make sense to add her but personally I don't care much honestly
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Bless the Lord, O my Soul
Apr 8, 2018
Here is a list of what we have in banners for the main theme organized by companies. (Please correct me if I am wrong)

Crypton Future Media -

Internet Co -
Otomachi Una
Galaco (with Yamaha)
Rana (with We've Inc)

AH-Software -
Yuzuki Yukari

AVA (Akatsuki Virtual Artists) -

Zero-G -

PowerFX -

Voctro Labs -

Shanghai HENIAN Information Technology Co. Ltd. -

SBS Artech -

UTAU / VNN (Other synth) -
Daisy Hapyon

If anything, maybe it would be nice to see Gynoid in here, with Flower or Xin Hua.
When designing the logo, I was asked to keep green and blue to represent Miku.

There will also be more themes in the future, perhaps an all Miku theme, I wonder? I think that would be cool to see!
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Mar 25, 2018
Our art was provided for us voluntarily and/or created specifically for use at our site.
I can't speak on this 100% since I was not behind it, but it may simply be that no provided art of other Cryptonloids seemed to fit when the art was needed. (Other than KAITO, that is. (It was made specifically for use as a node.)) There are certain things looked for in node art. I.e. making sure the "fade effect" doesn't fade-out on a character.
We will have themes in the future, so maybe there will be a theme you prefer to this one in the future.


Stan Yuezheng Longya
Apr 8, 2018
I am all for eighter Xin Hua or Flower being added!! They are sweet children!


Digital artist
Apr 8, 2018
What else would be amazing is if we have the banner on the top have vocaloids in it

Because it just being a generic galaxy seems kind of out of place, imo? Like it doesn't say "vocaloid", lol. Having the Cryptonloids (Miku at least) seems like it would be important-- without Miku there literally wouldn't be Vocaloid as we know it (and I'm not even a big fan of her).

Not to mention I feel like all the different art provided looks really kinda...unprofessional... Like the lack of consistency and how some of the art looks less clean and proportional than others, it looks like it's incomplete. I think it's cool that it was provided voluntarily, as it's nice to see the community working together on something at the end of the day.

An idea that would help this out tho, at least with the banner on the top of the page?

Vocaloid Empire (Korean fandom blog on Naver - cafe.naver.com/vocaloidempire ) has a "banner design contest" every few months for fans to create new banners to headline the top of the blog. It's pretty hefty with over 20k people on site, so the contest has a good number of entries.

Anyways, after banners are submitted, they have a sort of bracketed voting-- so when certain banners get to a certain number of votes before a set deadline, they move on to the next round, and etc etc until they get to the top six banners.

And then they display one of the six banners each month until the next contest rolls around.

I think having a contest like that would be particularly interesting, and give the community a chance to be a bigger part of the forum, instead of just using it passively. We're all pretty passionate about vocaloid, and I think it's safe to say we all want to see this forum be successful and not run too bureaucratically like VO was.

Tho these are all just my opinions and you're free to disagree. I just wanna get people more involved and have a more vocaloid-y time, you know? lol


Mar 25, 2018
What else would be amazing is if we have the banner on the top have vocaloids in it
Vocaloid Empire (Korean fandom blog on Naver - cafe.naver.com/vocaloidempire ) has a "banner design contest" every few months for fans to create new banners to headline the top of the blog. It's pretty hefty with over 20k people on site, so the contest has a good number of entries.

Anyways, after banners are submitted, they have a sort of bracketed voting-- so when certain banners get to a certain number of votes before a set deadline, they move on to the next round, and etc etc until they get to the top six banners.

And then they display one of the six banners each month until the next contest rolls around.
There will be contests in the future for themes (maybe not for some time since we have just launched and there are a couple of issues still being addressed). I don't know if that includes banners, but I think it might. Thus, banners would change dependent on theme and likely not on a rotation system, so users can use the theme with their favorite banner.

I believe the banner was purposefully asked to be "not Vocaloid-specific" for the main theme.
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Digital artist
Apr 8, 2018
There will be contests in the future for themes (maybe not for some time since we have just launched and there are a couple of issues still being addressed). I don't know if that includes banners, but I think it might. Thus, banners would change dependent on theme and likely not on a rotation system, so users can use the theme with their favorite banner.

I believe the banner was purposefully asked to be "not Vocaloid-specific" for the main theme.
Now that sounds cool. I'd love to see some contests for sure, especially for banners and/or nodes. That'd be p neat--

Tho I'm curious as to why it was purposefully asked to be "not Vocaloid-specific"? Even tho it's for a forum that is literally Vocaloid specific? I can understand it maybe in the sense of being more inclusive of CeVIO or UTAU or Vocalina, etc? it just looks odd when it's a picture of stars//// lol


No Miku, no life.
Apr 8, 2018
My point is though that people who just happen to find the site or are about to register should also find the face of Vocaloid in clear vision.

Don't get me wrong, sure I LOVE Miku but I don't have any problem with other Vocaloids or people who only look at other places.
Still I think she has to be present here.

So I hope just a little nod or something to Miku or her friends will be added to the standard theme in the future! I think that would be a good idea.


One who does Administering
Mar 7, 2018
Hello Everyone!

Art for the nodes were contributed by artists who volunteered from the community. We thought it'd give a nice homey feel having something made by fans for the fans. Characters chosen for each node were at the artist's volition and I'm proud to say we received quite a variety of vocal synths of different companies and languages as well as plenty of differing art styles!

There's no certain time frame as of yet, but more themes will definitely be coming in the future as this is one of the most requested things from the community and something we would love to provide! There are talks of potentially running contests so we can get more fan created themes in the works.

As for the banner, for our default theme we felt it better not to give the spotlight to any one vocal synth in particular and have no current plans of adding characters in the default banner. We wanted to go for something inclusive to all and seeing as we're called VocaVerse, a galaxy/universe theme felt fitting!

Our logo's colour scheme might've also been a tad inspired by Miku ;D while matching the theme we were goin for!

Thank you all for the feedback and hopefully this cleared some of your questions!


Digital artist
Apr 8, 2018
Hello Everyone!

Art for the nodes were contributed by artists who volunteered from the community. We thought it'd give a nice homey feel having something made by fans for the fans. Characters chosen for each node were at the artist's volition and I'm proud to say we received quite a variety of vocal synths of different companies and languages as well as plenty of differing art styles!

There's no certain time frame as of yet, but more themes will definitely be coming in the future as this is one of the most requested things from the community and something we would love to provide! There are talks of potentially running contests so we can get more fan created themes in the works.

As for the banner, for our default theme we felt it better not to give the spotlight to any one vocal synth in particular and have no current plans of adding characters in the default banner. We wanted to go for something inclusive to all and seeing as we're called VocaVerse, a galaxy/universe theme felt fitting!

Our logo's colour scheme might've also been a tad inspired by Miku ;D while matching the theme we were goin for!

Thank you all for the feedback and hopefully this cleared some of your questions!
Having contests for the nodes would be cool, too- the characters aren't the problem for me visually, it's the style of them and how varied they look.

I think that if you wanted to make it an inclusive universe, it would be best to have the vocaloids standing in front of the stars? I get the name now, I was trying to understand why it was called "VocaVerse" instead of "Voca Forum" or something more straightforward////

It just looks so blank, it doesn't seem to relate to the purpose of the forum, despite the intention you have for it. I like the VNN banner because it shows all the vocaloid languages and it looks so inclusive!! Being able to have all the different vocaloids up to include them all would be more "inclusive" than showing none of them at all, you know?

When I first popped on the site I kinda looked at it like-- "Am I in the right place?" but then seeing the little nodes it was clarifying, haha.

Being able to have a contest that gives artists the chance to contribute to the forum would be really neat.

One that has a theme for each month would be a cool experiment too; each month having the banner be headlined by vocaloids released in that month:
February = UNI, KAITO, Xin Hua, kokone, Cyber Diva, Nemu, etc
August = Miku, galaco, Lily, Lumi

(Possibly include other programs too, like ONE being released in January and posting her alongside of January vocaloids).

And having themes for each month? Since February is valentines, having them dressed all cutesie, in April since "April showers", them walking in the rain with their little umbrellas, june/july/august is summer so having beach themes or fireworks, etc??

Just a bunch of little ideas thinking out loud.

***I want to mention that I'm being critical of the forum because I want it to succeed and look its very best. I'm an artist myself (if I'd known we were able to volunteer works I would've gladly contributed!) These are all just my opinions so feel free to agree or disagree as you see fit. I don't want to seem abrasive or mean, but just critical. I apologize if I offend anyone!
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Stan Yuezheng Longya
Apr 8, 2018
Why are so many people so against the current banner?

Aside from the fact that I don't see it on my phone anymore (idek why) I do find it pretty and I understand the decision to not make the banner miku or anything (Also it would make the whole theme look overloaded)

Aside from that the different artstyles being there took time to get used but I got used to it and I don't think it's a problem?


Digital artist
Apr 8, 2018
Why are so many people so against the current banner?

Aside from the fact that I don't see it on my phone anymore (idek why) I do find it pretty and I understand the decision to not make the banner miku or anything (Also it would make the whole theme look overloaded)

Aside from that the different artstyles being there took time to get used but I got used to it and I don't think it's a problem?
Because it's just a stock image of the stars, essentially. It doesn't say anything about the purpose of the forum. It's about vocaloids and vocal synths, but there aren't any vocal anythings on the banner. That's the thing that I don't like about it, but again, that's just my opinion.

I think the purpose of the forum should be clearly defined. Besides, there was a perfect opportunity missed-- its a universe
UNI the universal vocaloid coulda been the mascot!
SeeU with star eyes!
galaco with her galaxy theme!!! haha

I'm mostly joking but yeah-- it's just they could've done more than just having a picture of stars as a banner.
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Bless the Lord, O my Soul
Apr 8, 2018
The image at the top was deisgned by me, mostly on Photoshop. I enjoyed creating it, and again, it was to prevent there being a Vocaloid(s) highlighted more than other characters, one reason why was to kept simple for first impressions and to make a unifying theme.

I am a designer too, but I can't please everyone. Such a thing is impossible. What is best in design is compromise.

Regardless though, the banner is not a stock image.
And a variety of styles in the nodes shows the variety of styles in the art community. I think there may be themes planned perhaps by one artist that may be more comfortable for some users. Please note these are only my thoughts. I think it's just best to wait for themes at this point. I'd love to see the various kinds of themes made.


Mar 25, 2018
Thank you for your feedback.
Please see Bascetta's reply.

Thread locked.
Thread unlocked.

Hello Everyone!

Art for the nodes were contributed by artists who volunteered from the community. We thought it'd give a nice homey feel having something made by fans for the fans. Characters chosen for each node were at the artist's volition and I'm proud to say we received quite a variety of vocal synths of different companies and languages as well as plenty of differing art styles!

There's no certain time frame as of yet, but more themes will definitely be coming in the future as this is one of the most requested things from the community and something we would love to provide! There are talks of potentially running contests so we can get more fan created themes in the works.

As for the banner, for our default theme we felt it better not to give the spotlight to any one vocal synth in particular and have no current plans of adding characters in the default banner. We wanted to go for something inclusive to all and seeing as we're called VocaVerse, a galaxy/universe theme felt fitting!

Our logo's colour scheme might've also been a tad inspired by Miku ;D while matching the theme we were goin for!

Thank you all for the feedback and hopefully this cleared some of your questions!
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Stan Yuezheng Longya
Apr 8, 2018
But honestly? Does it need to have a Vocaloid character in it??
I don't think so!

There are enough characters representing the Vocaloids on the page aside from the banner honestly

Hmm.... if you're really gonna argue like that one could also overlay a part of the Vocaloid editor very very faintly on it and tada it would be Vocaloid valid
And I think just the galaxy is also valid because it's Vocaverse (And I really like that name, it's pretty, not a nerd name but also not a bland name)

Okay so miku is missing, maybe so but that is a thing that can be fixed with another theme in the future! (Also while I like her I am really happy this theme shows Vocas that aren't miku)

This might seem agressive but many people worked on this theme and I find it really sad that you just say "no make it different" and dismiss the hard work into it :(


Digital artist
Apr 8, 2018
The image at the top was deisgned by me, mostly on Photoshop. I enjoyed creating it, and again, it was to prevent there being a Vocaloid(s) highlighted more than other characters, one reason why was to kept simple for first impressions and to make a unifying theme.

I am a designer too, but I can't please everyone. Such a thing is impossible. What is best in design is compromise.

Regardless though, the banner is not a stock image.
And a variety of styles in the nodes shows the variety of styles in the art community. I think there may be themes planned perhaps by one artist that may be more comfortable for some users. Please note these are only my thoughts. I think it's just best to wait for themes at this point. I'd love to see the various kinds of themes made.
Well color me impressed that you made it look so good! I thought for sure it was a stock image. Forgive me for that mistake.

I think at the end though what I just struggle to understand is why the admins decided instead of just using a bunch of vocaloids or having monthly rotations etc, to not include the main purposes of the forum...vocaloids. lol

But honestly? Does it need to have a Vocaloid character in it??
I don't think so!

There are enough characters representing the Vocaloids on the page aside from the banner honestly

Hmm.... if you're really gonna argue like that one could also overlay a part of the Vocaloid editor very very faintly on it and tada it would be Vocaloid valid
And I think just the galaxy is also valid because it's Vocaverse (And I really like that name, it's pretty, not a nerd name but also not a bland name)

Okay so miku is missing, maybe so but that is a thing that can be fixed with another theme in the future! (Also while I like her I am really happy this theme shows Vocas that aren't miku)

This might seem agressive but many people worked on this theme and I find it really sad that you just say "no make it different" and dismiss the hard work into it :(
Well if the purpose of the website is to talk about vocaloids, one would assume that yes, illustrating that purpose would be a reasonable thing to do.

I don't mind that miku isn't the focal point, considering there are dozens of other loids that are in desperate need of some attention (see: literally any other vocaloid that isnt crypton lol). But if it's about vocaloids, it should have vocaloids everywhere. I mean, it's the guys that run VNN, and they're inclusive as freak with their banner on their website. I mentioned it before; they've got a character for every language, in some cases two or three! (you have no idea how happy it made me to see both SeeU and UNI on their site banner).

It would just make more sense to represent the characters. I think overlaying the vocaloid4 software would look cool with the stars, but even then, it boils down to the forum being about discussing the vocals specifically and what people do with them (avatars, or whatever you prefer to call them).

I just think it would be nice to have vocaloids showcased, you know? If it's all or nothing in terms of being "inclusive" it would be more beneficial and visually dynamic for it to be all instead of nothing.

Also the forum was locked for a hot minute which seems a little odd. lol
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