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VocaVerse Network

mm..I completely understand your point, but the fact is Vocaloid culture (and all vocal synth in general) is and will always be a niche, and that's perfectly fine. So it doesn't matter what others will say, just ignore them.
for casuals/mainstream people, vocaloid can be just an anime, a weebo thing or something weird, and you know what? I-dont-care :sonika_ani_lili:
it's just time wasted try to explain something to someone that is not open minded about vocaloid culture and at least try to understand why it's important and special in our hearts:miku_lili:
if someone is really interested, will do own research about it, and will have a personal opinion:lapis_smile_lili:
Blue Of Mind
Blue Of Mind
There's already been a lot of misreporting in both the mainstream media and among larger content creators online regarding vocal synths. (Remember when that Iluminaughtii chick got roasted by the Vocaloid fandom for her inaccurate video a while back?)

Come to think of it, much of the backlash against vocal synths reminds me of the initial backlash against electronic instruments. Some of the talking points about VBs replacing human singers reminds me of the criticisms against bands like Kraftwerk replacing all of their traditional instruments with electronic ones.