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VocaVerse Network

Latest I have is Miku NT and piapro studio. Still getting used to piapro but I don't think I'll take the leap unless piapro comes out with Miku AI. Part of me wants to augment Newtype Miku with AI, another part wants me to get good at making vocals using traditional concatenative interfces. I think the biggest limitation I set myself is brand loyalty with cfm and piapro and not nessesarly and aprehension with AI (although another one is lazyness, don't want to plug in .vsqx and fight with the AI changing parameters I rather leave untouched.).
You're not alone, I'm still using the old voice banks and kind of self conious about using stuff people may consider outdated nowadays. I kind of want to make good on the software I have though and not chase after the new shiny fad.
I kind of want to see someone use fancy AI voice banks that are trendy and hard-autotune them to make them sound more like older vocaloid versions, just to mess with people.

I definitely do like some things about AI voice banks, but let's not lose sight of the fact that pretty much any vocal synth is a rounding error compared to Miku's popularity, which means the concatenative synthesis sound really isn't going out of style. The majority of listeners aren't huge synth nerds who know how the software works; they're just there for singing robots. There's definitely room for both in the foreseeable future.