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VocaVerse Network

Aw, what is the thing that gives you the most trouble? I think you can make it work.
Oliver's voice. The denoising tool I got worked really well! Except his upper notes still sound... euagh. Hold on, I'll see if I can record it right quick.
This is after denoising.
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its kinda hard to judge from an isolated part but perhaps it's just little too high for Oliver?
Yeah, it is. Maybe I could try lowering it a few keys... but then wouldn't that sound weird? Aren't people usually really against diverting from the original key when it comes to Vocaloid covers?
As long as you can make it work it's alright I think! Also you could try using different loid, ik what is it like to really wanna use a certain vb for a cover but I think its a valid option to consider as well.
The only issue with that is that it's Oliver singing in Japanese. Every single note has edited phonemes. I'd have to redo literally half the song if I wanted to use anyone else. Basically, I've wasted all this time and effort for nothing.
You could try making short version to avoid the section where he goes out of the range perhaps :rune_lili:
He hits those notes in the verses, so if I posted a short version, it'd have to be the chorus only, and the chorus is like 30 seconds... I'm sorry, I don't mean to keep brushing off your suggestions, I'm just frustrated. I was really hoping I could save this.