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  1. Sylveranty

    Tutorial [UTAU] Key combinations, using the Alt-key, the Quantize setting [English & Deutsch]

    The video is about various UTAU key combinations, accessing menus via the Alt-key (which I'd probably appreciate more if I was only using a keyboard and had no access to a mouse), and the Quantize setting which allows more fine-tuned note lengths. There is no speech in the video. The text is in...
  2. dotkrawl

    VOCALOID2 Tonio

    As the local Tonio stan until Chorva returns from war it's time to celebrate the existence of our favorite baritone singer! Let's start this thread with some just basic and useful information, as well as content! Tonio's VOCALOID wiki page : Tonio Tonio's purchase links at Zero-G / Time+Space...