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Filled/Closed LOOKING FOR very short (30 seconds) MIDI creation for cover


v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
ive been working on a cover that i had made using data from Pratt, but theres some overlapping oo's and aa's in the chorus that have some effects and i couldnt really get it right myself, im just not good with timing and pitch alone... so i even though this part is 30 seconds max, i just really want to find someone who could swiftly make a midi of the multiple lines (about 3) in this part of the song! i will send you a clip of both parts in PM, and as short as is its i will put money down on this because i want to pay people for their work, no matter how short (will do $5-7! for it!)

no tuning required. just a MIDI! please let me see examples of MIDIs you made from scratch so i know your experience. feel free to directly PM me to send your examples as all discussion will be there so we can discuss payment and i can send the reference file.

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