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  • what is with the naming for NOA hex? and audiologie in genera? like. why is it like that? We have "JUN" just capitals, "ANRI Arcane" Capitals and word starting with one capital letter and now "NEO hex" capitals and then another word not capitalized. and also one listing on their site have "NOA HEX" in all caps lol. youd wonder why i care but its the fact they vary at all that confuses me
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    It's NOA Hex. So it's just JUN who doesn't match.
    man i swear to god i saw the youtube video titled with it lowercase??? but there is still the all caps title on their website for the physical version, which is not the case for Anri's. despite the name for him being written the same everywhere else, i did notice that
    going through my installers (i save every thing on my pc) and saw i have cyber songman???? i own him??? i didnt even remember LMAO... i feel like i have a vague memory of him being in my signature but took a few out because of emote limit. man i do NOT remember buying him but i found proof in my emails from 2016 lol
    i have a little video for the Yuma version thing i had in mind, but i found out the older versions of Yuma dont generate sing mode pitch bends it would have for the old voice in older versions of Synth V which is a shame, as through time the generated pitch bends have changed for all voices over time based on their new data... i guess it makes sense, as it rather has to do with engine version and not voice version, which i hadnt seen it that way! so they all have to have the same generated pitchbends for this cover. which is good for consistently but i hoped to showcase everything about the old versions. (....i do have all the older installers but that would be too much work to reinstall all of them lol)
    i have gotten a couple of emails at this point from people who watched my videos from my cover channel-- "normal" (lol) non-voc synth producers with no knowledge, getting the software and wanting help. it really really shows how unique and even alienated these tools are from larger (generally western) music production. they have no clue what to do with it, or especially how to work on a synthesized vocal when thinking of real vocals. its no offense to them, but its just kinda wild. im not a producers of any kind and so is the same with tons of people in this fandom, and we have such a specific skill without even considering music production. where typically youd want to assume a music producer could get a handle on vocsynths just as naturally as some DAW. but its not at all the same. no one teaches you this kind of stuff versus the larger scene of digital music, and it has incredibly specific functions and tools that require lots of learning in order to get a good sound. its not at all unlike learning another instrument
    working on a cover with yuma and finding myself expirimenting and rendering in an older version of his voice.. a lot of the banks have had some changes through versions (esp cross language improvements) but i love yuma and i find that he has some very significant changes through his versions, its kind of crazy how different he sounds. might make a comparison video of all his versions
    i think little of it now but we are blessed to have utaformatix... 2015 me never would have imagined such a simple and easy way to convert basically every vocsynth file type ever.
    yeah i may have totally not made my utau anniversary video like i intended lol i am SO indecisive with the demo for the banks i planned to release and i just didnt have time for the video on top of that yet. i will get to it. if anyone reading had some good popular classic vocaloid songs i could cover as demos for the banks let me know haha. my brain is kinda empty
    i really wish there was actually a vocal synth for synthesizing screamo vocals super well bc its probably something id utilize in my own music if i tried to start singing my own stuff... cuz i have always liked screamo vocals, but uhhh i cant see myself achieving that (not without a looot of training and even then... i am shy to try it), also bc of the ya know.. strain it takes. itd be ideal to have a screamo vocsynth that could do it just as well as a real voice. would save all the trouble of trying to scream myself lol

    and its not just about getting a voice that can scream. its getting a voice that can scream *words* and *sentences*. i can manage decently getting a vocsynth to *scream* but to have full screamo verses just.. never sounds right
    augh, i dont like how busy i have been lately... i have cleaned up my vbs enough for xed's bday but i dont think i can get out a video with demos all tonight... i am always so indecisive when it comes to the covers themselves too
    oh gosh its my first utau's bday on wednesday... i cant believe it has been 8 years. i think i may be cancelling Mex and just update Xed again tbh. not sure. i kinda like the idea of just keeping one utau, since i have no plans to get further involved with utau past one voice tbh
    man im annoyed i worked so hard on that avril lavigne cover with yi xi only to not be able to post it anywhere bc of copyright claims lol. i wanna post a cover with yi xi but idk what i want to make now...
    This is why I'm a bit sad about returning fully to UTAU and still keeping with Vocaloid, cevio etc because I've been so salty about that one old SC bad experience that now I hesitate to post anything that isn't an original of mine... So atm I've started to put a few on Google drive but it isn't extensible....
    yeah i usually post my copyrighted stuff to Whyp.it (which i used to use clip.it but they changed to being paid) and try to link from there, but ya know. its not a platform people are just on- like soundcloud or youtube. i struggle more with soundcloud than youtube so i honestly barely post there, especially with its post limit.
    so annoying when i want to make a video for a cover bc i am basically done but i just... am not satisfied with the mix... i keep tweaking it
    gosh my eyes are so tired. i sat down and watched two days of a charity stream (12 hours day 1, 7 hours today) and it was so fun but. god my eye balls @_@ i need to go outside
    I was talking to an IRL friend and listed out all the vocsynths banks I own and.... It's 33... But that's not including the ones I sold. Still a lot considering I don't use most of them LOL...
    man i would love to share my WIPs to soundcloud if soundcloud didnt make so many copyright claims... anyways i wanted to cover an avril lavigne song with yi xi since i saw someone do a short bit of a different one. and she sounds so good with it.. still WIP tuning yi xi - complicated WIP

    i want to try more to aim for the og singer's pronunciation and yi xi's rap intended sounds kinda work well here for that
    i got yi xi and i really like here. honestly there is something about the rap intended vocals i like a lot. their enunciation is unique, and it makes for some interesting sounds. while it may not be perfect for all situations, i really like hearing something that is no the strict norm for most voice banks. (and i am saying this from an english perspective, and how she speaks english. but even ricky sounds unique in the same sorta ways)
    i feel like there must be a guide somewhere but i cant really find one. how do you buy digital banks from dreamtonics on taobao? i always get confused bc it seems like every time i see it asking for info related to physical shipping
    its always so interesting how many people just use v flower still. ci flower twitter reposts a number of songs and i barely see songs using ci flower, rting this on their own account. and yes, of course, v flower had massive popularity and ci flower is new. but the hope i think a company would have is that the *new* one with better technology would gain popularity as well.
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