For RUBY's 3rd Anniversary, a contest has been announced--two, in fact! One for creating an illustration, and another for creating a design!
Quotes verbatim the Google Doc from the above Tweet. Much more information can be found there.
For RUBY's 3rd Anniversary, a contest has been announced--two, in fact! One for creating an illustration, and another for creating a design!
Quotes verbatim the Google Doc from the above Tweet. Much more information can be found there.
- Ruby must be the only character in the illustration.
- No NSFW illustrations will be allowed.
- Illustration must be A4 size, either in portrait or landscape format, saved in a .png file.
- Participants can only submit one illustration.
- Entries must have a background; either simple or complex. No transparent or white backgrounds.
- It is recommended to illustrate one Ruby’s three official designs: Official, Idol, and Astéri. However, this is not a requirement. You can find references to all designs here.
- Contestants can participate in the design contest as well.
- Ruby should be the only character in the design sheet.
- Participants can submit 2 designs.
- It is recommended to have a theme in mind when constructing a design. There is no official theme, but we will offer an example which can be used: Virtual Diva.
- There is no canvas size requirement, but the design must be clearly visible.
- The design illustration must have a front and back of the design shown. (example: link)
- Contestants can submit an illustration as well.
- The Winner’s entry might have the design slightly modified.
The prize for the illustration of the contest is $40 USD. The prize for the design contest is $30 USD, as well as the design being illustrated by Misha.SUBMISSION DEADLINE
November 5th 11:59 EST
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