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[SOLVED] - A solution to TIPS resampler not working?


UTAU is my religion!!!
Feb 28, 2019
//Hey hope I'm doin this right, never really post on forums much loll

tl;dr — I'm trying to use the TIPS resampler in for Merry Kohaku's Meteor voice. But I'm not getting any sound output!! Works for very few banks. Added some pics to help explain.

I've been getting really into Merry's voice lately, especially after hearing this beauty by ragey. In one of the comments it was mentioned by ragey that they used TIPS for the song. So then I rush to go download it. Like every other resampler, I made sure to put TIPS in the root UTAU folder. Then I open a UST that I've been tuning and this time try running it with TIPS as a resampler and wavtool (was originally using moresampler for both tools 1 & 2). Play it, no sound!! I know TIPS is picky about most flags, so I made sure to clear every note of flags but that didn't seem to do anything. Tried using different wavtools (other than the original), didn't work either. Open a new UTAU project, still using Merry as the voice, put a note in to test, still nothing. Then I test other UTAUs, and the only two that end up rendering on TIPS is Meiji Gahata's bundle bank, and Matsudappoiyo's HEART bank (oddly enough his other banks didn't work). No Merry, or Ruko ://// ragey uses Merry's Meteor bank using TIPS and gets an outcome like THAT and I get nuthin :D

So yeah, it's safe to say I'm utterly confused... :luka_move: It's probably just something obvious I'm missing but hhhhh I'm at my wit's end haha. If there's anyone out there who's worked with TIPS I'd love some advice!



UTAU is my religion!!!
Feb 28, 2019

Simply had to run UTAU as administer and got TIPS working like normal.

Ugh I always overlook 'run as administer' when troubleshooting issues but this time it actually fixed my problem...

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