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Synth V Studio Manual?


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Is there an online printed manual for the new version of Synth V? There's a scripting guide, but using the software seems only to be supported by watching YouTube videos. The videos are good, but text is much easier to skim/search to find specific things you're trying to do.

The original Synth V had a great manual (which is probably still useful in a lot of ways)--is there an updated copy for the new version?


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
Unfortunately I don't think Dreamtonics has published an official updated manual. I remember distinctly that someone made a very good fan version, but due to poor SEO I can't find it, no matter the keywords I search for. ): If anyone can remember who made it, please post!

*edit* I literally just found it, by VocaPigeon! :sonika_ani_lili:

SynthesizerV Studio Tutorial | Pigeon's Nest

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