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VCCV issue


UTAU is my religion!!!
Feb 28, 2019
It looks like (from the images attached) most of the UST is already in CV?

And by engrish "rap part" i'm going to assume you mean parts like these correct? Because these are in VCCV.

I'd say the best way of converting VCCV phonemes like these to CV is to use a CV phoneme that is closest to the original VCCV phoneme. Simplify something like [- bI] [I k@] [@ z] "because" into something like [- び] [か] [ず].If you don't already know how VCCV works, it's helpful to know how VCCV splits syllables so you know how to correctly replace them with CV phonemes without screwing up the timing.
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Kilios Furude

May 12, 2020
The voice i have selected is CV Japanese so I'm trying to format the UST for Rioki but everyone I've asked just acts like I'm too stupid to understand VCCV when it's impossible to read the UST


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
No one's assuming you're stupid, I assure you - VCCV is incredibly complicated! I think Krin's got some sound advice. If the UST itself is giving you problems, I'd suggest making your own with CV Engrish. Open two instances of UTAU, one with the original UST, that way you can go back and forth and reference the original so that yours will be as accurate as possible. Whatever you decide, it'll take some effort, but it'll be worth it!


UTAU is my religion!!!
Feb 28, 2019
The voice i have selected is CV Japanese so I'm trying to format the UST for Rioki
You are using a Japanese CV UTAU and want to convert a UST in VCCV to CV, understood. I stated above on how to convert VCCV phonemes to CV phonemes, in other words explaining how to convert your VCCV UST into CV. Was there something I missed then?

everyone I've asked just acts like I'm too stupid to understand VCCV when it's impossible to read the UST
I never implied any of that. Hence why I said "If you don't already know how VCCV works." I'm a bit confuse by how the UST would be impossible to read. If the notes are too small you can increase their size by pressing + in the bottom right corner. If you can't read the notes in VCCV, I'd suggest referencing the link I provided.

Kilios Furude

May 12, 2020
It's just really messy because some of the english sounds are hiragana if they are also a part of the japanese language


UTAU is my religion!!!
Feb 28, 2019
It's just really messy because some of the english sounds are hiragana if they are also a part of the japanese language
Taking another look at the attachments, the notes in Romaji seem to be for the English VCCV rap part (my best guess). Since the song you linked uses both Japanese and English, it's possible part of the UST was written in Japanese VCCV and the English parts were written in English VCCV. They're in the same VCCV language, just written in Hiragana/Romaji.


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
So it's Engrish mixed with Japanese, and you're not sure which is which? What's the song? If it's a cover, you should be able to get the lyrics and pick them apart that way.

Kilios Furude

May 12, 2020
No. It's VCCV english and Japanese because Dr r did the rap in both english and Japanese and makku made some of the english in hiragana like せid だん Which is basically Seid dan which doesn't make sense


UTAU is my religion!!!
Feb 28, 2019
I'm not sure how the specific UTAU used in the original UST works, but it seems like its specifically aliased in a certain way then. I suggest going by ear and converting the VCCV notes into CV -OR- what @peaches2217 said and make your own UST in CV. Hope these methods help!!
Sep 21, 2019
Moderator intervention here!!!

Let’s all take a step back here and try to work this out. We’re all just trying to put our heads together to fix this frustrating UST issue, so let’s remember to be kind and patient with each other! :teto_lili:

Furude, could you please tell us what song you’re doing and if you have looked up the lyrics?
Looking up the lyrics is extremely helpful and always helps me when I’m having a hard time figuring out which part is what on UST. :miku_rylitah:

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