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[WIP HELP] mist ~missing love~


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019

I finally got the nerve to revisit this project so I could ask for help! I think it starts out fine, but it gets kinda sluggish as it goes, especially the last two choruses (and ESPECIALLY the final chorus). It's not a tempo issue, it's on-beat, it just sounds... off. Can anyone throw in their two cents? I've been agonizing over this for months.

(It needs a lot of polishing regarding tuning and dynamics, but I currently only have use of my non-dominant hand, so I'll have to wait until the pain from surgery wears off and I can use both hands freely before I can really fix it up. My apologies.)
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Oct 8, 2019
I sadly have no specific advice but when I'm feeling stuck like you I switch voicebanks to listen to the tuning with fresh ears and I can more easily hear what is holding it back.
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Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
I tried that, and it sounds like either certain notes are too long or the vocal scoops are too long. I can't tell which it is. I'll make a note to try tweaking both when I can!
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01010011 00110101 00110000
Apr 9, 2018
Sometimes it's just an issue with the timing of the phonemes themselves being off in fast songs, since they're already somewhat compensated within vocaloid. You'll have to make small corrections here and there by ear so that the 'weight' of the attack is on correctly for each note. ( A piece of advice is that you can get away with being a touch early, but if you're a little late, it starts to drag. ) I personally turn off quantization when tuning.
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Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
I might just do that. I tried it for a couple of sections and it sounded too rushed; if I space them out a bit more, and maybe substitute some pitch changes with portamento, it might just work. Thank you!!

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