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  • Rolo
    Woah I’m not used to hearing Miku sound like that!! That’s amazing I really like how strong her voice sounds, it sounds more mature too. This video kept being in my recommended on YouTube but I never watched it, time to go give it a like.
    I am officially having my foot & ankle surgery on December 31st, New Years Eve. New foot for the new year (can someone make that rhyme somehow?)
    Who the frick is googoo888
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    Reactions: TheStarPalace
    I learned about Project Diva through them too and was super disappointed when there was a lack of versions of songs with other vocaloids in the game ;-; Was so ready for all the Meiko covers
    Are you kidding. I am just now learning this!!! SAD :(

    👏 All vocaloids deserve equality!!!!! 👏
    Meiko gets no love and I want her to hear more GOOD covers from her. The only reason why I don't like to listen to her is because I haven't heard her sing a song that I really really like.
    When people are talking about making covers: :3

    Me realizing the only way I'm gonna make covers is with Pocaloid: :(
    You don't have to Pocaloid for that. You can try SynthV, UTAU and DeepVocal :ia_ani_lili: my go to vocal isn't even a vocaloid, there are many great options.
    Kasane Teto looking pretty good right bout now
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    Kasane Teto is quite lovely if i do say so myself.
    OK, why is everyone talking about Highlight and why do I not know about it?
    It's in the HATSUNE MIKU EXPO 2021 Online thread.
    o3o I get that Bandcamp relies on fees and what not to support themselves, and I don't mind that, it's just why do I have to generate 100 codes at a time? Can I just generate one code because a friend of mine wants it? Instead of having to do a literal pallet order, we could just order one code, for one person. It would be nice, at least the codes that I do send out don't expire so I don't have to worry about that. I sell my songs for cheap on other sites (way less than $1) or give them away, but I don't have a lot of customers so having to bulk order feels kinda useless.

    I'm gonna say it again... if you want to get a Bandcamp code from me from one of my albums, feel free to drop a comment and I'll be more than happy to give you one!
    So I got on Bandcamp, and if you want one of my albums feel free to drop a comment down below and I'll send you a download code OwO
    I'm releasing at one single at a time and it's killing me because I don't know what I should and shouldn't release on Spotify ;~;
    I use Soundrop for my distribution... just found out today that an artist that I really like (Dj-Jo) uses Soundrop too and I'm like AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
    I'm sad right now because the amount of times that my posts get deleted on other forums is stupid, even though I'm always trying to follow the rules, recently I've had at least 4 of my posts taken down because they don't follow the rules (shut up BMF it didn't say that I couldn't post forums bish) but yeah I'm quite pissed right now at the forums right now. My album announcement was taken down (I forgot what it was, but yea makes sense I guess?) but then BMF (Beer Money Forum) decided to be a bitch and delete two of my posts because one of them was a competition to BMF (It was just spreading referral codes) and the other one was because no forums were allowed (but it literally says in the section description "Reviews of sites paying to write articles, posting in forums." so that's bullshit. Overall I'm fucking pissed :(
    GUYS GUYS GUYS! MY RELEASE IS NOW ON DEEZER (Will be on Spotify, Apple Music, etc. soon)

    Christmas List:

    • A charger/battery for that stupid computer that won't work
    • Miku V4X bundle
    • lmao still need Vocaloid 4 tho haha
    • Soft puzzle tiles (like the ones in preschool) to put on my wall because I don't want to punch my wall again in VR
    • Beat the meat Saber
    yo i got that battery charger lmaoo
    I have two things to say:

    1) I put Strawberry milk in my Calpico Strawberry bottle

    2) Ramune is overrated
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