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  • I'm realizing now that I'll probably never make my own Vocaloid/UTAU songs or covers because

    a) I'm not even that confident in my own instrumental work
    b) I don't have a computer that's good enough to run UTAU (s e r i o u s l y)
    c) I'm going to immediately gravitate towards Mikuwu and never want to give anybody else a shot (OK maybe Teto if I get UTAU)
    d) aaa~ too scary lmao
    Before. I use utau edtior only for their plugins and convert the files, and that's about it.
    But i decided to give it a short run, I just download random vbs ( i got renri or something i can't remember the name)

    After a lot of trial error. The result is very surprising... I would say give it a try, it's not a intuitive software on earth but highly capable one.
    Believe it or not, but I find myself using UTAU more than Vocaloid or SynthV

    I could recommend some of my favorite vbs if you DO ever want to try it (assuming ur computer stops acting up djvsjsv)
    I- WHY DID THIS GET SO MANY SAD REACTIONS? I WAS JUST TRYING TO BE FUNNY but all of this is still true lmao
    Did it just take me a couple of years to realize that IA's voice provider was Lia? Yes, it did.
    Does IA sound similar to Lia? I believe so
    What's wrong with me? I really don't know anymore.
    GENBU (SynthV) would fit in perfectly in Genshin Impact, why does he look so g o o d
    I need o p i n i o n s:

    Do you like my logo or should I change it one of these days?

    edit: forgot to say that my logo is my current pfp
    I think it makes a really cute/funny profile picture, but I think logos generally include the "brand name" (would be your username) + something to imply what service you provide. Ex: having an image of a music note/headphones/sound wave or something involved. If you got a different logo, then you could also use this emoticon one as a representation for yourself instead of a photo or drawing?
    Yeah, I'm just not sure what to do for a logo though because I really want to keep with the minimalist design that the pfp brings o3o

    But yes your input really helped me think about some stuff, and I'll have to get on some of my designing programs and think of something
    bpbp if i have to get another surgery for any other reason ever again I'm going to c r y

    me having this many surgeries is just a a a a a a a a a a a
    ...so I just realized that I could have just gotten an official ID card from my state and it still count as something similar to a Driver's License and probably already have my knowledge panel.

    Wow I'm dumb :D
    yeah i have an id card since i cant drive, its the same thing as a license just minus the legal ability to drive part lol. has all the same info on it.
    :D I could have gotten it when I was 15 which is the funny part
    Now I have two Spotify Artists under my name >.<
    Jisenku for memes and Bluedm for actual songs
    I forgot about the fan clubs I was in when updating my signature and I just realized that I have none of them in my signature ;~;
    Hey uh, jisenku.com is available, anybody got a couple of bucks to spare so I can get the domain and a new sexy email address? >.<
    Kikuo is going to drive me nuts with his songs

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