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VocaVerse Network

Do you play/have an instrument at all? Lately I've been trying to learn about ear training (for guitar), one of the first steps is to try to figure out the melody of simple songs, like finding which notes are sung in "Happy Birthday".

It's easier to figure out what notes are used in a song if you know what key it's in, because when you pick a key, it tells you which 7 notes are available for usage (ex: "Love Story" by Taylor Swift is in the key of D, so then you just look up a "key of D" chart on Google and you will immediately find a chart that shows which notes are flat/sharp, so you save time while trying to hear for the correct note).

It takes a lot of practice before getting the hang of it, I think in the beginning it might be easier to practice with a song you ALREADY have a VSQ for. (Let's say there's a file floating around for a popular Vocaloid song. Save it, but don't peek at it yet. Create your own file to figure out the first few words in the song, then check if you're right with the real VSQ.) Or you could just practice with one or two lines in a song and then move on to another one. Then try to tackle an entire song when you are better at it.

Sorry for rambling.
No I cant play an instrument, I failed recorder class in elementary school lol

Thanks for the hints though!
Scarlet Illusion
Scarlet Illusion
Oof! I know how difficult that can be! Good luck!
(A tip that I'd like to share is that some singers give the impression that a song like is being sung lower or higher than it actual is. Songs with Rin or Miku tend to give me that issue.)