Thank you! Trust me when I say if you keep at it with practice and use of helpful tutorials you can do it!! I compare my originals all the time and this is definitely one of my better ones if not the best one I've made so far.
I use Studio One for my music; the version that actually came with the Kagamine's funnily enough. And it has a LOT of nice instruments and samples to use.
For the main synth I used the Presence Synth HP Lead with a ghost kick sidechain for the pumping effect. I also used frequency automation on HP Lead(I believe I automated the "Cutoff" secifically but you could get the same effect using EQ automation). For my drums I used Impact Trance ID 2. A lot of the hits you hear for the drops were single Impact samples that I used instead of wasting space with an entire set. And there's also a pure white noise instrument I use alongside it sometimes.
Those are probably the basics that you're hearing but there are more. I also edited the instruments a bit in their respective windows and with effects so even if I listed everything I used it might not sound the same for others ;; Also sorry for the late response ;;