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初音ミク Magical Mirai 10th Anniversary


Apr 13, 2018
cheer support video contest this year too!!(●'◡'●)

also, official goods pre-order start!(*/ω\*)🎀🎁💕💝

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Apr 13, 2018
@ hamano: it's indeed a great news for foreigners who still wished to get a ticket! in case someone might wonders why only S tickets, that's because the S tickets available are the ones from the previous ticket lotteries, most of people have chosen and won SS tickets, so some S tickets are left for sale ^-^
also,there will be life-size statues exhibition of Miku, Rin, Len, Luka, Kaito and Meiko based on iXima illustrations! :miku_lili: :rin_smile_lIlI::len_smile_lili::luka_lili::kaito_smile_lili::meiko_lili:

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No Miku, no life.
Apr 8, 2018
Got up early to enter for tickets to find out, it says it IS a lottery after all. That's real annoying, really hoped this one would be first come first serve.
Oh well...hope for the best...again.

EDIT: Well, I applied. At least the process was not as bad as the accomodation plan shenanigans back then. Fingers crossed (and they let us in by then lol).
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Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
I already got tickets for Tokyo Friday night and both Saturday shows from the domestic lottery, so now I applied only for Tokyo Sunday day and night shows. Sunday night live is what I desire the most, it always has without a doubt the best atmosphere.

I should also ask for a holiday leave from work... as soon as there's a concrete word about Japan's full reopening I'm going to book flights and hope my company will give me two weeks off. I know I can get one week without a problem, but that's a bit too short. I just hope the Japanese government would finally stop fooling around and open up the country for independent tourists


Apr 13, 2018
the winning songs of the song contest are available on Karent :miku_lili: :miku_lili:

and..and!!🎁🎀 more information on the official goods(*/ω\*)💕💕❤❤

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No Miku, no life.
Apr 8, 2018
The theme song has been uploaded!
Not a big fan of Sasakura.UK myself, this song at least sounds more fitting to an event and isn't so bad at all I think. Hope I and some others hear get to hear it live...
By the way, I wonder why in the past most theme songs have been uploaded by the official Hatsune Miku channel, but this one and for example Sand Planet hasn't, instead being on the creators channel only. Hmm...

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Apr 13, 2018
special admission exhibition goods announced for Osaka!!:miku_lili::len_smile_lili::rin_smile_lIlI::luka_lili::kaito_smile_lili::meiko_lili:

list of sponsorship and cooperation companies has been updated:
アウリン / 秋葉原和堂 / 株式会社arma bianca / ESP / echo / 株式会社エスティーワン / 株式会社エテルノレシ / 株式会社エンスカイ / 株式会社Gift / キャラパブ / 株式会社グッドスマイルカンパニー / ココラボ / 株式会社 コスパ / コピック / ジョルダン / 合同会社スノウクラッシュ / 株式会社セガ / ソニー株式会社 / 株式会社タイトー / 株式会社ダイハツビジネスサポートセンター / CheerPro / デザインココ / 株式会社トイズファクトリー / 株式会社ナターシャ / ノースワン株式会社 / 有限会社 橋本漆芸 / 初音ミク X パ・リーグ6球団 / 初音ミクシンフォニー2022 / 株式会社バンダイ / 株式会社ビー・エヌ・エヌ / 『ほめる』をつくるピコトン / FILA / プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat.初音ミク / 株式会社報知新聞社 / 株式会社ボークス / 株式会社ホビーストック / 株式会社マイム・コーポレーション / 株式会社ムービック / 株式会社メデル / (株)ヤマハミュージックジャパン / 株式会社ローソンエンタテインメント / 株式会社 和真

赤い羽根共同募金 / 大阪府赤十字血液センター / 株式会社近畿日本ツーリストコーポレートビジネス / 株式会社ソーゴー東京 / 千葉県赤十字血液センター / 株式会社日本インタークリエイト / ミクランド / 株式会社夢番地
important notice about cosplay, flowers and gifts:
※ OSAKA会場とTOKYO会場で規定が異なりますのでご注意ください。






露出が著しく、公然わいせつに該当する可能性のある衣装(局部や下着が見えているもの、局部が透けて見えるもの) は禁止です。

  • 個人・法人問わず、本イベントにて祝花の受付はいたしません。
  • 個人・法人問わず、出演者・出展者・関係者等(クリエイターを含む)へのプレゼント・差し入れはお受け取りできません。予めご了承のうえ、持ち込みをお控えください。

about cosplay
* Please note that the regulations differ between the OSAKA venue and the TOKYO venue. OSAKA Participation in cosplay is prohibited due to the circumstances of the venue and the judgment of the organizer. TOKYO Cosplay changing room September 2nd (Friday): 10: 00-18: 00 Saturday, September 3: 9: 00-18: 00 September 4th (Sun): 9: 00-17: 30 Please refrain from changing clothes in public facilities and toilets in the venue. A changing room will be set up in the exhibition hall, but please note that space is limited. There is no charge for cosplay registration, changing room usage, camera registration, etc. There is no entrance exclusively for changing room users. Just like any other visitor, please line up at the entrance to the exhibition. Costumes and behaviors that cause inconvenience or discomfort to other people are strictly prohibited. Please cosplay at your own risk. The organizer and both sides of the venue are not responsible for accidents or troubles caused by the content or type of cosplay. Costumes (full masks, masks, helmets, headgear, etc.) that completely cover the real face and make the field of vision extremely poor are prohibited. Bringing in items that may hurt others is prohibited (long metal items, etc.) Costumes that are significantly exposed and may be indecent (local or underwear visible, local transparent) are prohibited. Please refrain from shooting for a long time or shooting that may disturb others. Please make sure that the person taking the picture and the person being taken the picture confirm each other before taking the picture. If it is determined that the rules are not followed, we may take measures such as prohibition of cosplay and forced exit. We ask for your cooperation so that all customers can leave the exhibition venue during the closing hours.

Celebration flowers and gifts
We do not accept flowers for this event, regardless of whether you are an individual or a corporation. We do not accept gifts or submissions to performers, exhibitors, related parties (including creators), regardless of individuals or corporations. Please be aware of this in advance and refrain from bringing it in.
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No Miku, no life.
Apr 8, 2018
Yeah if those charges mean something, then I also won, all of them. I applied for 4 concerts, 2 tickets each... we all wasted a whole lot of money if we end up still refused entry!

EDIT: Yep, officially won all 4 x2 I applied for. JAPAN, LET US IN!!!
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Project DIVA Arcade Enthusiast
Jun 16, 2022
Southern California
Same here, 2 tickets for each day of Tokyo Magical Mirai, so 6 total. Please let us in Japan :miku3_move::miku2_move::miku_move:

What if the event organizers created a “tour group” out of the foreign ticket holders and we were able to enter that way…wishful thinking I guess :LOL:


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Same here, 2 tickets for each day of Tokyo Magical Mirai, so 6 total. Please let us in Japan :miku3_move::miku2_move::miku_move:

What if the event organizers created a “tour group” out of the foreign ticket holders and we were able to enter that way…wishful thinking I guess :LOL:
That might not be crazy. The event organizers might not do that, but I could imagine there's a vocal synth fan who works as a travel agent or does...whatever kind of work is necessary to put together a group like that. And they could hypothetically put up a web page and gather folks together into something that's recognized as a tour group.

Not saying it's likely, and it might be a lot of work, but there are tour groups out there, so someone could put together a Mirai tour group.

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