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Ask Hatsune-hakase to make a VSQ for you


Apr 8, 2018
I was thinking about how I could contribute to the community with the skills I have, and it occurred to me that I could make raw (that is, untuned, unedited) VSQs for people to use to make their own covers.

This thread is where you can put in a request for me to make a VSQ, and when it's done I'll post a download link here that everyone can use.

A few caveats:
  • Please ensure that you have done a thorough search to see if there already is a VSQ available for the song you want to cover. I'd rather not spend my time making a VSQ of a song for which one is already available.
  • Please include a link to the audio of the song. Youtube, NicoNico, Soundcloud, a direct download, things like that are fine.
  • Please include or link to the lyrics of the song. If it is a Japanese song, the lyrics must be in romaji.
  • As I will be creating the VSQ for free and in my spare time, it'll get done when it gets done. It will depend on how much time I can devote to it and how difficult the song is for me to transcribe. It could take less than a day, or it could take a week, or a few weeks, or longer. Another factor on time is the number of requests I may already have on my plate at the time. I will work on VSQs in the order I receive their requests, and I will not move on to the next VSQ until I have completed the current one.
  • If I judge a song to be too complex for my skills, I'll have to politely deny your request.
That said, I hope this proves worthwhile!
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New Fan
Apr 9, 2018
Hey ! Can you make a VSQx on the clip : Mirai By ATOLS. LauraMegurine has already done a VSQx but he is not really great (Yet I love his Covers). So could you create another VSQ, please ? Thank you and have a good day/evening to you (And sorry for my bad English...) ! ^^'
Here is the link of the song if necessary :
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Apr 8, 2018
@Aqua-P This looks easy enough ^_^

Are you able to give me the lyrics in romaji?

You say that LauraMegurine has already done a VSQx; could you provide a direct link to it?


カイミク || Len English || Arsloid || V5/Piapro
Staff member
Apr 9, 2018
I have two but you can choose which one you want to do. (^_^)/

The first one is Futatsu No Kodou To Akai Tsumi by ON/OFF which was used for the opening of Vampire Knight. Link here: Music
Lyrics: Romaji/English lyrics

The second one is I know those Eyes/This man is dead (It's a song with two pov together ^^. A really pretty song after I heard my brother played it on his phone few times last year and I loved the woman's voice and the music ^//^) Here is the Link: This song is from a musicial of The Count of Monte Christo
Lyrics of it: It's a English song ^^

vampy wolf

New Fan
Dec 4, 2020
I was thinking about how I could contribute to the community with the skills I have, and it occurred to me that I could make raw (that is, untuned, unedited) VSQs for people to use to make their own covers.

This thread is where you can put in a request for me to make a VSQ, and when it's done I'll post a download link here that everyone can use.

A few caveats:
  • Please ensure that you have done a thorough search to see if there already is a VSQ available for the song you want to cover. I'd rather not spend my time making a VSQ of a song for which one is already available.
  • Please include a link to the audio of the song. Youtube, NicoNico, Soundcloud, a direct download, things like that are fine.
  • Please include or link to the lyrics of the song. If it is a Japanese song, the lyrics must be in romaji.
  • As I will be creating the VSQ for free and in my spare time, it'll get done when it gets done. It will depend on how much time I can devote to it and how difficult the song is for me to transcribe. It could take less than a day, or it could take a week, or a few weeks, or longer. Another factor on time is the number of requests I may already have on my plate at the time. I will work on VSQs in the order I receive their requests, and I will not move on to the next VSQ until I have completed the current one.
  • If I judge a song to be too complex for my skills, I'll have to politely deny your request.
That said, I hope this proves worthwhile!
hi iḿ new but can u make a picture of my vocaloid oc jin yeong if u want i give u information on him


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
@vampy wolf: I could be wrong, but I don't believe @Hatsune-hakase has been on the site in over two years. You would probably be better off asking someone else for commissioned art. There are a few threads around for people who have commissions open, and one of them would probably be happy to help with an illustration of your OC!

vampy wolf

New Fan
Dec 4, 2020
@vampy wolf: I could be wrong, but I don't believe @Hatsune-hakase has been on the site in over two years. You would probably be better off asking someone else for commissioned art. There are a few threads around for people who have commissions open, and one of them would probably be happy to help with an illustration of your OC!
ok and thank u iḿ new to this fandom and i just want to make friends and just have a didgital artwork of my oc
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