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Couple of more wips...


カイミク || Len English || Arsloid || V5/Piapro
Staff member
Apr 9, 2018
I got another wip of an original song that I was attempting for some vocals for it, but am struggling with it. I might just keep it as an instrument for now.:kaito_lili:I tried using Teto AI for assistances.

This one is a cover that I wanted to try to use of the SynthV Audio to Midi. This is from Line so Thin: Done with Everything. Again, I'm using Teto AI (I only have her for now) I'm not confident with it (and I'm not even finished on editing the lyrics at the ending part, sorry!) I even moved a few notes since I noticed the song is in D minor and some notes were not in B flat notes. So I hope the notes don't sound off key...? And sorry for the instrumental being so off. I had the song split for the vocal parts and wanted to test Teto singing the progress.
Done with Everything Cover progress

Other than that.... I still occasionally try to make another new original song (I really want to do one for Arsloid!!) so I keep making more and more wips. I also want to buy the Odin Guitar III since it sounds nice and I do want to make some Rock songs too other than my piano/musicbox ones! :lapis_ani_lili: I also trying to improve my mixing, but still failing so I hope I am slowly improving at least. Even if it's a little at a time progress.​
But man...I wish there was videos or tips/tutorials of creating vocal parts for your songs.... :ring_ani_lili:


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I'm not sure what challenges you're concerned with for the first WIP. However, from my listening, it reminded me of how some of mine have turned out after having been in the thick of laying down notes for awhile. Sometimes when I'm trying to get ideas down and lay down what's in my head, the timing doesn't come out quite right initially, and then I'm making the rest be relative to that, so it all comes out a little off--usually, specifically, that means it comes out too fast for me.

Listening to your instrumental, this sounds like a more soulful/melancholy/pensive song. In that case, particularly for the first part, I think your singer would tend to sing more slowly and draw out certain syllables in keeping with those melancholy feelings. In this situation, it's really amazing what lengthening just one or two of the right syllables can do--it can literally transform something that didn't seem to come out right at all into something that fits what you had in mind more or less perfectly. It's magical.

To figure out what syllables might need lengthening, I'd recommend stepping back for a short while and replaying the vocal you had in your head to yourself mentally. Imagine what the song is about and what your singer is feeling, and replay that melody to yourself the way you originally imagined it. You might find that you have some trouble remembering it because of how long you've spent with your head in your DAW--that's a good indication that you are, in fact, addressing a worthwhile issue. Once you've refreshed yourself on what you wanted to achieve, go back to your DAW and listen to it again. (Possibly record what your remembered in a dictophone phone app first so you have it.) You might find that it's substantially different! You might even find that, in addition to the note lengths, some of the pitches changed from what you originally had in mind at some point! Don't listen to it too much, but go back and try to adjust note lengths/pitches to fit what you had in mind. When you're done, hopefully you'll find that the revised melody suits what you had in mind much better.

I'd also recommend turning down the volume on Teto's voice. Her voice is plenty powerful in this song as-is, and if she's sad, she'll probably be a bit quieter unless she's coming to an emotional high point or emphasizing something. To ensure that she doesn't get overwhelmed and remains clear, you could try using Xfer Records' free OTT compressor plug-in, which will let you turn down her volume but keep her hearable over the instruments.

I really like the instrumental, by the way. I might recommend holding off a little longer before introducing the music box-type instrument that started a few seconds in, to let the listener get more into the emotional feel of the song with the other background instrument, but the instrumental conveys the melancholy feel that I think you were going for very well!

Anyway, those were my impressions based on what I've experienced and an initial listen. I hope some of that is helpful!
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カイミク || Len English || Arsloid || V5/Piapro
Staff member
Apr 9, 2018
Thank you, mobius! :qingxian_ani_lili:

I think if I do go back to the song I'll see if I can do as you said, and wait a bit on musicbox. :rune_lili: I think I added in the musicbox for some more different sounds since I had only 2 different pianos as my instruments! :ring_smile_lili: I created this song because I was inspired by a youtuber named AZALI and how he did like an automation of tempo, and how he did I think 2 different pianos(?)! :solaria_ani_lili: I'll probably have to go back to the board and figure out better lyrics because I don't feel satisfied hearing them while trying to adjust their lengths. Maybe... :miki_ani_lili:

I also got OTT and Tonal Control Balance!! :ia_ani_lili: I just don't know how to really use them for mixing/mastering because I went back to some covers and tried mixing them better, but I don't know...:ring_ani_lili:

I'll share a recent one that I tried! Patchwork Staccato with all 3 of Arsloid's banks!
Tried mixing this cover again but for the master track I instead used: Tonal Control Balance, OTT, and Ozone 9 Elements (the free edition that I got long ago, so it's limited sadly). I also tried making some changes to the all the vocal parts. Most of them have the Compressor, Limiter, EQ2, and Fresh Air but not Bright Voicebank! And they are all connected to a bus track(?) or chained to a track that has the side effects like Reverb, Fruity Chorus, and Ozone 9.

I think I would have to go back to the tuning and fix up Soft and Bright on a few parts. Like in the beginning for Bright I can't hear him really on the first few notes and Soft's soft part before the chorus is too soft, lol.
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Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
You're welcome! I really like your Patchwork Staccato cover--Arsloid's deeper bank sounds particularly nice for the song!

Out of curiosity, where did you get the VSQx, if you got one? I'd love to know how Toa did the little coughs.

If you're interested, this short video does a good job of covering how to use OTT.
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カイミク || Len English || Arsloid || V5/Piapro
Staff member
Apr 9, 2018
lol, I have a few of the Patchwork usts and one vsqx. EchoBlossom123 for the Diva version I think. DEUXKO for the vsqx. I also got Magi_502 a while back, but haven't used. :rune_lili: The coughs are unique just like when people also do laughs or hums! It's so cool! :mirai_ani_lili:

Thanks for the video and for the nice comment on Arsloid!:arsloid_smile_lili: :qingxian_ani_lili:
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