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SynthV Medium⁵ Updates/Discussion Thread (Quadimension voices)


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
Haiyi is officially due to release on September 13th, but it seems that users who have pre-ordered her have started to recieve her. With that, every Medium⁵ girl (bar ZERO) has a voicebank released! Next up should be Xingchen/ZERO, but we're not sure if it will be her English or Chinese voicebank. Maybe they'll release both at the same time?


Apr 9, 2018
I can't remember if anyone's posted one before, but is there a link to a song clip with the voice provider for Stardust singing in English?

Also, can someone please tell me where we are supposed to purchase the Quadimension vocals? I tried looking on the Synth V site but keep only seeing where to purchase Aiko and the editor, but not the Quadimension girls. (I want to be prepared for when it's preorder time for the English bank when it comes.)


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
I can't remember if anyone's posted one before, but is there a link to a song clip with the voice provider for Stardust singing in English?
Yes! This POP/STARS cover is fairly recent, as well as this English and Japanese cover of Cynic and of course a cover of ECHO. Chalili lives in the USA as far as I can remember, and her English is great. Looking forward to her English because of that!

Also, can someone please tell me where we are supposed to purchase the Quadimension vocals? I tried looking on the Synth V site but keep only seeing where to purchase Aiko and the editor, but not the Quadimension girls. (I want to be prepared for when it's preorder time for the English bank when it comes.)
You can purchase them on Quadimension's Taobao. They ship to the US, but you can always use a buying agent. Make sure if you're buying from them to mention your email in the notes to the seller so they can send the activation code and digital installer. The boxes don't have codes, just the installers.

In other news, putting the finishing touches on a cover using all four of the SynthV Medium⁵ girls. Hoping to finish it shortly!


Apr 9, 2018
Thank you so much for answering my questions!

She sounds really good, I'm even more pumped than I was before. I have my wad of cash ready and waiting for the preorder announcement. : P

I guess I was wondering one more thing, do they sell digital download versions of the Quadimension girls? I don't care about packaged vocal synths (don't have room for more clutter and it costs more).


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
Thank you so much for answering my questions!

She sounds really good, I'm even more pumped than I was before. I have my wad of cash ready and waiting for the preorder announcement. : P
No problem! I'm really looking forward to her too. I think she'll really impress a lot of people, though I'm wondering how stark the difference will be between her and Eleanor.

I guess I was wondering one more thing, do they sell digital download versions of the Quadimension girls? I don't care about packaged vocal synths (don't have room for more clutter and it costs more).
Yes, they do! They're actually on the same listing. The first option is usually digital-only, then the second is digital+box which only costs 15 Yuan more ($2). Then there's either discounts next or a starter pack which includes a SynthV Editor license for slightly more I believe. Though for the last one I don't know anyone who bought it so I'm not 100% sure. I think that's the case though.


Passionate Fan
Jan 5, 2019
Remember about these train songs? Well, these songs are actually a cover for the anime show Galaxy Express 999 (pronounce as Galaxy Express Three Nine), all of which was done by cl1. Here's the repeat for all of the Medium⁵ sisters:
1. Xingchen/Stardust:

2. ChiYu:

3. ShiAn:

4. CangQiong:

5. HaiYi:

(Note): The only covers which were NOT repeats were both Xingchen/Stardust and HaiYi.
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Passionate Fan
Jan 5, 2019
I decided to put all of the Medium⁵ sisters icons by @lIlI because why the heck not?
1. In announced order:
2. In released date order:
3. Their age order (from oldest to youngest):
4. Their official birthday order:

So, what did you think?
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Passionate Fan
Jan 5, 2019
Just wondering, do any of you know if the Medium⁵ girls were well recieved in China? How they are doing commercially?
Because of what you said, you had a really good point.
Because of that, I had to research all 5 girls if they are all received in China. The first one, Xingchen, is taken from Vocaloid Wiki while the remaining four are taken from SynthesizerV Wiki.
1. Xingchen (星尘)
When Xingchen was first announced as a VOCALOID, the Chinese fandom expressed deep concern about the lack of male VOCALOIDs and were worried about a striking resemblance to Hatsune Miku, but this was not as important as some fans already knew her as Quadimensionko from her past appearances. In addition, they were accepting of designs that utilized the "twin tail" hairstyle since characters in the past, such as Dongfang Zhizi, followed this concept. Rather than expressing anger against these designs, the fans were calm and peaceful in their reactions. The Western fandom expressed more concern about Xingchen's resemblance to Miku in contrast.

Due to the Chinese fans' concern for her initial design, Quadimension changed Xingchen's appearance. When the new design was first revealed to a certain number of fans, some thought she looked a little more like Yuzuki Yukari, but were happy with the new look. However, when her design was fully revealed at Firefly Con 2015 to a larger crowd, a large number of fans thought that the new design ruined the uniqueness of her first design and felt that she changed too much, as there were people who were fond of her previous appearance. On the other hand, Western fans thought she looked similar to Yukari and developed mixed reactions: some liked this design better than the last, some were fond of the previous design, or some simply disliked both.

After Xingchen was released, she developed loyal and dedicated fans. She also attracted retired Chinese-language producers back into the fandom and they expressed their interests in creating songs for her.

In February 2017, "Deities of Cathaysia" became the first Xingchen song to achieve 1 million views.

2. HaiYi (海伊)
Chinese fans expressed a like for Haiyi and considered her voice to be unique among other Chinese virtual singers.

Sadly, that's all I could find on those two wikis.
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Oct 8, 2019
Ah okay cool! Thanks!

I was just wondering cuz I remember there being a little talk about Chiyu before she was released and then for a very long time I heard nothing and later I suddenly found out there are several other chinese voicebanks?! And no one really talked about them but just because they aren't talked about much in the western community doesn't mean they aren't doing well in China, logically the chinese-speaking people would have more interest in them. So I was curious. I do want them to do well.

By the way I wish they would be properly advertised on the SynthV website.:gackpo_lili:


Hardcore Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Honestly I constantly heard about medium 5 ever since haiyi was first revealed, though a lot of the excitement over her was what engine she was on and when she would be released. I remember seeing people react positively to Cangqiongs design (even if most non Chinese people cant spell her name)
A few of my friends own some of the group and I've heard nothing but positive feedback.
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Passionate Fan
Jan 5, 2019
Since you talk about Medium⁵ are famous in China, I did go to a similar route in which I question myself to Google if the Japanese people thought about Medium⁵, and, well...
Okay, here's the funny thing: on one point I'm very curious about what the Japanese people thought about Medium⁵. So, I typed to Google "What did Japanese thought about Medium⁵". Get this, accounting to the results, Google thought it was something to do with Japanese soldiers during World War II. No joke.
Because of that, I was thought to myself "THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!!!!!":mad:
  • Haha
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long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
As far as I know they're actually pretty popular in China, maybe not quite as big as vsinger but most ACG fans seem to know of them to some extent. In Japan I don't think they're that popular simply because SynthV isn't *that* massive there yet and they lack Japanese voicebanks.


Passionate Fan
Jan 5, 2019
I have an another question: since we talk about how the Medium⁵ are somewhat popular to most ACG fans, but what the Hong Kongers thought about both Quadimension and Medium⁵?


Oct 8, 2019
I highly doubt there is any data to answer your question, you'd probably get the most accurate answer from someone who lives in Hong Kong and follows this kind of stuff. But I'm assuming they had the same reaction as most of chinese people.


Passionate Fan
Jan 5, 2019
Okay, I'm just thinking, because of these passed comments, how about we could make both Quadimension and Medium⁵ popular outside of China (like the US for example)?

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