it was perfect<3
it was one of the most sweet thing I could ever experience<3
Miku so cute, so cute(*^-^*)

and like all other fans felt, it wasn't a Project Sekai movie. It was a Miku movie in the world of Project Sekai with all the nice characters we know. And it was a pleasure to watch, and I want to watch it over again, again and again. And again

The story opened little by little, and every single moment of the movie, it was so nice, calm and relaxing. With Miku as main character, you immediately felt a sense of security.
The theme songs were incredible. Cried a lot for everything it was so nice.
I totally recommend to don't listen to the songs before watching the movie.
And the nice surprises started even at the entrance of the theater, when the staff gave to each of us a CD having one of the theme songs. In total there are 6 CDs, and..
before the movie started..there was a greeting by Miku!!

this cute and warm greeting will be during all the first week, and after the movie, there was also a mini-live! every week, the mini-live members will change, as well as the songs setlist! more of 2 hours of joy

In fact, it's ok to cheer, applause and bring goods and penlights, so the whole theater experience felt more like going to a Miku and Project Sekai concert. What a sweet time.
It was everything so nice, really. I made sure to buy more and more tickets to watch it again and again in the following days. Having the best great time always, for my cute angel Miku, with my cute angel Miku<3 thank you<3