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Singer breaks down why tv talent competition shows are manipulative bs


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
I could never stand these talent shows, I know that those crying/breakdown/tragic story scenes make for good TV, but frankly they just always made me uncomfortable. I get second hand embarrassment from watching someone cry on stage in front of hundreds of people.
Sep 21, 2019
I just think it really gross that they exploit people with sad stories, or people who break down on stage, etc. and subject them to potential public humiliation. It's shameful. Also, the way they make people genuinely think they have a chance even though they're just being used as attention fodder.... it's kinda sickening to me and makes me feel badly for the people being used, basically. :(


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
My dad and stepmom LOVE America's Got Talent. The way that not only the judges, but sometimes the competitors, manipulate the audience has eternally turned me off of it. One magician/escape artist made it look like their dangerous trick failed and they were suffocating, and the assistants ran on stage frantically trying to rescue him, and I'm honestly terrified and already hardcore praying "God, please protect that man"- but nope! It was just part of the act, and the guy himself was perfectly fine. Maybe it was an overreaction on my part, but I was disgusted by it. Kinda like the beachgoers and how they reacted to Spongebob pretending to drown as a setup for a Ripped Pants joke.

Singing competitions I've just never had any interest in, but general talent shows I straight-up don't like because of that. (I do like Preacher Lawson, though; that guy's hilarious and too good for AGT.)


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
One magician/escape artist made it look like their dangerous trick failed and they were suffocating, and the assistants ran on stage frantically trying to rescue him, and I'm honestly terrified and already hardcore praying "God, please protect that man"- but nope! It was just part of the act, and the guy himself was perfectly fine.
Reality TV LOVES this. There's a few reality tv shows I like...Project Runway, Hells Kitchen, and I used to watch RPDR but I haven't kept up with it recently...and I can not count the amount of emergency scares they'll do. In the previews they show an ambulance, play dramatic music, have clips of people screaming and freaking out, and then you watch the episode and someone just cut their finger a little bit and after some disinfectant and a band aid they're fine. At least once every season of reality tv you'll see a scene like this.
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Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Honestly, I don't mind too much when reality TV does it, because you usually know it's not as bad as they're portraying it to be. (Reality TV is a, ah, guilty pleasure of mine. I like to warm myself around the flames of the dumpster fire that is 90 Day Fiance. :yohioloid_lili:) This happened live, and the guy looked genuinely panicked right before the stunt "failed", and a few seasons prior there was a similar incident where a guy got hit in the throat with a flaming arrow (which, judging from everyone's reactions and the fact the paramedics had to escort the guy off stage, wasn't at all planned). I can forgive reality TV for trying to be dramatic and create a sense of dread, but when someone goes on live TV, in front of tons of people expecting a good show, and makes it look like he's been killed in a freak accident right before their eyes, all as part of an act... I dunno, that just really rubs me the wrong way.

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I don't care for "reality" TV in general because anyone with critical thinking skills can deduce they're fake as hell. They're basically a different kind of soap opera now, and if I wanted to watch a soap, I'd watch Coronation Street or Eastenders in the UK.

Plus, there's also the obvious exploitation issue. Worldwide, it tends to be the exploitation of disabled people, while specifically in the UK, we have a big problem with the exploitation of "down on their luck" working class people. Though I guess the US has a similar problem, considering Honey Boo Boo was a thing a while ago.

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