As some of you may know, one of my dreams is to become the Living Vocaloid Encyclopedia! If you are confused as to what this entails, let me explain...
I want to learn all about (in terms of Vocaloid):
History (of Vocaloid as a whole, as well as its software, and voice banks' histories).
Producers (the kind of music they make, how they came to be popular, or how they came to be a producer at all. As well, the name of all, or most, of their works; both popular and not-so popular)
Songs (name, who made it, what it means if it has a meaning to it, what Vocaloid sang it, and more there is needed to know.)
Albums (essentially the same things I want to know for songs, but this time, I wanna see the cover art!!!)
Personal Accounts (How has Vocaloid developed for you? What kind of stories do you have in your time of listening? Were there phases you went through? What was your first song? Anything you personally experienced with Voca!)
And, of course...
The Stars Themselves!!! (Hand me any information you have on any Vocaloid. Even if I know the information, a relay is always helpful! Any contributions to a Vocaloid's history or descriptions are helpful! Even giving me songs of theirs will help my endeavors!)
I know this is an ambitious task, but I want to know all I can, so I can write about it and share Voca's love with the rest of the world! Wouldn't you want your favorite Vocaloid to be heard? I want them all (especially my Una) to be heard by the world!
I want to learn all about (in terms of Vocaloid):
History (of Vocaloid as a whole, as well as its software, and voice banks' histories).
Producers (the kind of music they make, how they came to be popular, or how they came to be a producer at all. As well, the name of all, or most, of their works; both popular and not-so popular)
Songs (name, who made it, what it means if it has a meaning to it, what Vocaloid sang it, and more there is needed to know.)
Albums (essentially the same things I want to know for songs, but this time, I wanna see the cover art!!!)
Personal Accounts (How has Vocaloid developed for you? What kind of stories do you have in your time of listening? Were there phases you went through? What was your first song? Anything you personally experienced with Voca!)
And, of course...
The Stars Themselves!!! (Hand me any information you have on any Vocaloid. Even if I know the information, a relay is always helpful! Any contributions to a Vocaloid's history or descriptions are helpful! Even giving me songs of theirs will help my endeavors!)
I know this is an ambitious task, but I want to know all I can, so I can write about it and share Voca's love with the rest of the world! Wouldn't you want your favorite Vocaloid to be heard? I want them all (especially my Una) to be heard by the world!