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What Was The First Manga You Ever Read?


Aug 10, 2018
La-La Land
School Rumble. I'd read about it in a pop culture magazine and felt drawn by Tenma's adorable hairstyle (at least that's what I thought), so when I saw the first volume in a bookstore I begged my parents to buy it for me. I was only 10 and a lot of the "adult" humour went right over my head... also I wasn't aware that manga is read from left to right (meaning that I would read the panels from right to left like in Western comics...:yohioloid_lili:), so the story must not have made a whole lot of sense LMAO. It wasn't until later that I read it in the proper order and all of a sudden it did click.
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Aspiring Fan
Jul 26, 2020
I think my very first manga which I ever read was Yotsubato when I was around 8 or so? I found it translated into Finnish from my small country side town's library, and that's how I fell in love with that series.It's really wholesome and cute. Years later I bought some copies of the manga for myself and at the age of 19 I still read it sometimes. :D


Aspiring Fan
Apr 10, 2018
My first ever manga was Random Walk or Detective Conan, I don't remember.
Funny thing, I was able to get the 3rd and the last tome of Random Walk past month xD..... for some reason the shop I was going to take them never had the last one available.

If only back in the day I had amazon, mandarake, and all these websites. It was so difficult to find just comics, imagine manga.


Dancer in The Dark
Oct 28, 2021
Mine was either Sailor Moon or The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time manga.

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