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What's your favorite manga?


Mine are:
-Their Story/Tamen de Gushi
-Kagerou Daze
-Mob Psycho 100
-Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
-basically cute and simple slice of life stuff (mostly)
(not in order but Tamen de Gushi is by far my favorite, not only is it my favorite manga/manhua ever, it's also one of my favorite pieces of media period, it's so funny and witty and sweet and I just love it)
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Apr 8, 2018
Depends on what I am in the mood for. Though the manga series I usually go back to the most to re-read is the Gunsmith Cats series by Kenichi Sonoda . (Burst was a bit of a let down as a follow up to the series, but it still wasn't bad) While on the surface it is an ecchi manga, The characters are pretty interesting and have flaws to them so you can see them grow throughout the series. Also the attention to detail on the chicago skyline and weapons is really nice to look at.


I like sweets uwu
Apr 8, 2018
United states
Here's my top 10:

1. Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou
2. Kase-san series
3. xxxHolic
4. Akagami no Shirayukihime
5. Natsu no Zenjitsu
6. Himegoto: Juukyuusai no seifuku
7. Baby Steps
8. Silver Spoon
9. To Your Eternity
10. Aku no Hana

This list is not definite though. There's a lot of new series coming out lately that are bound to make my top ten when enough content release for them.


In 2D hell
Apr 8, 2018
Yotsuba is one of my favourites, too! It's a great manga to read when I'm feeling down or stressed. The bit where she punches a goat at the zoo always makes me laugh.

On the darker side, my other favourites are Helter Skelter and Plastic Girl.

I also love love love the Doukyuusei series. :kaito_lili:
My other favourite yaoi/manga in general is Complex.


Lead Guitar, One Minute Winter
@Pomelo! @sleepysheep7! LONG TIME NO SEE!!!! >3<

I haven't been able to read much manga in the past, but the one that really caught my attention was One Piece, although this was back when One Piece was still in its early phases.

I like the art style of D Grey Man but I'm not a fan of the horror genres, regardless of medium.

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Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
I don't read that much manga, simply because I find the amount of manga translated into Finnish relatively small. Most manga you see in shops is stuff like Tokyo Ghoul, Kuroshitsuji and shoujo manga. I'm more into comedy/slice of life stuff.

Besides Hatsune Mix and Mikubon (both in English) and Senbonzakura in Japanese I only own the whole series of K-on! which I like a lot. I used to like Detective Conan when I was younger, but I gradually lost interest to it, and then they stopped publishing it in Finnish.


(screams eternally)
Apr 8, 2018
i tend to watch anime rather than read manga, but i've been keeping up with noragami (and im so glad it's updating again!!). i've also read a few shoujo romance-- my favorite of what i can remember ive read is tonari no kaibutsu-kun, but i also enjoyed hirunaka no ryuusei.


Apr 8, 2018
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (─‿‿─) .
I had a few friends recommend JoJo to me, but everytime I look at it, the characters look like there are trying to hard to do...well something but it just rubs me the wrong way. Also the fashion is ridiculously 80's ,which if it was a comedy I could handle.
Jun 3, 2018
I had a few friends recommend JoJo to me, but everytime I look at it, the characters look like there are trying to hard to do...well something but it just rubs me the wrong way. Also the fashion is ridiculously 80's ,which if it was a comedy I could handle.
JoJo parts 1-3 might be pretty bland if you're looking for a superb story since it's mostly fights and follows the classic shounen formula which we see everyday as of now, but 4 and beyond get better and better about storytelling in my opinion, comedy gets better too in my opinion Also Hirohiko Araki(the mangaka) has inspirations from fashion brands and has even done work for them so most of them look like fashionistas, I get that point also. Tryhardness is definitely a thing but It hasn't bothered me that much in JoJo and I generally hate those kind of plots so JoJo manages to be special somehow, It's probably storytelling. Though as much as I like JoJo It's pretty refreshing to see different opinions too! (─‿‿─)

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