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Fire Emblem


Jul 18, 2019
I'm a big fire emblem fan. I love echoes and is happy that there's overlap with the game artists and vocaloid.


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
I love fire emblem my favorite games are Three Houses, SOV and path of radiance/// My favorite characters are Maribelle >.>, Leonie, Rhea, Palla, Forsyth and Caspar
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GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
Dems fighting words Leonie is my bae (well behind Rhea cause I just find Rhea very compelling and them hips tho) but yass Forsyth is legit so amazing I love him so much ovo
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Dems fighting words Leonie is my bae (well behind Rhea cause I just find Rhea very compelling and them hips tho) but yass Forsyth is legit so amazing I love him so much ovo
Haha, I understand. I just found her early game to be really annoying. LITERALLY ALL SHE TALKED ABOUT WAS JERALT and like... last time I checked, I (Byleth) was his biological daughter (at least to Byleth's knowledge)? So? Um?
But anyway. My top three from FE3H are Seteth, Hubert, and Lorenz, with Mercedes and Marianne following close behind. Given how unpopular those first three are, I don't think I'm in any position to criticize lol! As for Forsyth, I really like him and Python (I always loved Python, he's hilarious. My favorite from Echoes is Berkut, though. At least... pre insane Berkut).


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
TBF I actually un ironically like Lorenz and how could anyone hate Seteth tbh he a gem! and yes Mercedes barely missed my list uwu and Marianne is a cool character too. Yess the forsython is amazing love them together and Berkut I really loved too seeing his fall was very cool but then poor Rinea :(
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TBF I actually un ironically like Lorenz and how could anyone hate Seteth tbh he a gem! and yes Mercedes barely missed my list uwu and Marianne is a cool character too. Yess the forsython is amazing love them together and Berkut I really loved too seeing his fall was very cool but then poor Rinea :(
I now realize both Lorenz and Seteth are huge memes loool (RIP Hubert, no one but I like you :( ) I just usually see people say, "Oh, Seteth is too serious and stifling" or "Lorenz is ugly and annoying" or something to that extent.
And yeah... that's one of the reasons I actually never played Echoes. It had great characters, but the overall darkness of it was... whoo boy.
Also, please tell me you like Reinhardt. (He's a really old character, so if you're not familiar with him, I get it). But he's my favorite Fire Emblem character overall.


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
Meme status along with Manuela tbh (I love her so much tho)
and yeah the tone was def darker but like Forsyth and Palla the power of those 2 alone make it an amazing game
and I do like Reindhardt because of Feh tho I LOVE Olwen so much as a character one of my top 10 tbh :3
Oh yeah, Manuela was funny. I also felt really bad for her, too. She just really wanted love :(

Yessss. I unironically like him so much. He's just so good. Olwen is okay, I don't love her, but I don't hate her, either. She's pretty admirable. And I love her voice in Heroes, it's really soothing.


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
Yeah I played as guy to marry her :x poor girl was so insecure

I've never actually like built him XD not even the free one:x yeah I absolutely love Olwen's conviction in what she believes is just even to the point of fighting her own brother! Also feel free to add me in feh :3 my code is 9196391702 my usual lead is my Maribelle uwu
She was definitely a really well-written character with struggles and strengths like that. I always liked putting her with Hanneman. They balanced each other pretty well!

So who was your least favorite(s) from FE3H? It was actually an interesting game for me because I had very few that I really, really disliked.

Rein's original is actually quite dated now, so unless you just love him (like me) there's really no point. However, his sword unit is really good and is one of my best sword units overall. His dancer unit is also really good and is great for shutting down pesky enemies quickly since he has a double attack at the beginning. Poor Olwen keeps getting shafted, poor girl. None of her alts are really that great (though I still love using her green version!)
And yeah, that is exactly the reason I admired her, too! (And also the reason I still harbor a bit of resentment to her since she fought Reinhardt... xD) But yeah, she's really a good character overall. I think she honestly would have made a better protagonist compared to Leif. I don't dislike Leif? I just sort of find him a bit... boring. Very typical "naive boy to turned hero-king". Similar to Marth.

Oh nice, thanks! If you get a request from Lady Myra, that would be me :D


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
My least favorite from 3 houses part of me wants to say Edelgard cause I love Rhea but Edelgard had good reasons for what she did her main issue was the info she was working off of was not reliable but then everyone in the game kinda had that issue (woulda been way better with those who sliter tbh keep everything morally ambiguous instead of obvious villain over here) So I guess it may be Cyril tbh he was just meh? like I did not hate him but he was just there :x

Yee I'm not too familiar with 776 story aside from Olwen cause I looked her up cause her design is amazing X3 love her so much so I can't really comment on anything aside from her.
Yeah, I never liked Edelgard... I know that it's a huge debate around her, but I just found her really unsuitable to rule (which I believe is the issue with all of the main lords, honestly, except possibly Dimitri at the end though I think he would need a few years to fully be trustworthy enough). And yes, Cyril was just very forgettable overall. He wasn't bad nor good. He was just there.

My personal least favorites are all of the Ashen Wolves, Caspar (because he was really immature and unfit to fight. He was way too bloodthirsty without a reason like Dimitri), Leonie (I'msorry), Hilda, because I mean... why is she so popular? she was just... incredibly lazy, which is a trait I find really distasteful, and probably Felix because he was a jerk the entire game and literally never changed.

And as for 776, it's a good game with really great characters! There are emulators for it online if you ever have free time, I'd definitely suggest playing it! It's actually considered one of the hardest FE games in FE's history so far.


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
How dare you hate Constance Caspar and Leonie D: why you gotta hurt my heart like this! also how you feel about the new feh banner?


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
I kinda want Corrin to give the a skill to Maribelle and I'm a slut for Ike but I need to save for Forsyth so badly XD so I'm skipping :x (only at 50 orbs rn darn whitewings spent my 300 orbs and didn't get em)

Ika Musume

Loves Miku so much that he DIED
Apr 12, 2020
Ur mum lol
Bruh look at my pfp and tell me I'm not interested lol

I actually just switched tabs from Serenes Forest and FE is on my top three favorite game franchises.
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I kinda want Corrin to give the a skill to Maribelle and I'm a slut for Ike but I need to save for Forsyth so badly XD so I'm skipping :x (only at 50 orbs rn darn whitewings spent my 300 orbs and didn't get em)
Wait, hasn't Forsyth already come out though? (Or do you mean you'll save up for whenever he's a focus unit?) Either way, yeah. Definitely a skip on my end. Still waiting for that sweet sweet timeskip Hubert, Seteth, and Lorenz lol. I.S. PLEASE GIVE US A FE3H BANNER. And Edlegard's new legendary unit does not count.

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