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SynthV SynthV NYL for Synthesizer V from Eclipsed Sounds


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Also I think it's worth noting that I do not believe Nyl will be the Spanish native vocal that had been mentioned in the past. Just becaus I saw someone on twitter reacting saying that they could hear a Spanish accent in Nyl's demo clip, but IIRC Eclipsed recently clarified to a concerned user that the 4th Starry Court member was not gonna be their Spanish vocal. They were upset about a native English speaker being the "native Spanish" vocal, and ES was assuring them that that was not the case and the two were separate vocals.

This is just based off my recollection of tweets I read a while ago. I'll try to find them when I get a chance (I'm at work), but someone can correct me if I'm wrong!


CEO of Chorical, LLC.
Mar 26, 2018
Also I think it's worth noting that I do not believe Nyl will be the Spanish native vocal that had been mentioned in the past. Just becaus I saw someone on twitter reacting saying that they could hear a Spanish accent in Nyl's demo clip, but IIRC Eclipsed recently clarified to a concerned user that the 4th Starry Court member was not gonna be their Spanish vocal. They were upset about a native English speaker being the "native Spanish" vocal, and ES was assuring them that that was not the case and the two were separate vocals.

This is just based off my recollection of tweets I read a while ago. I'll try to find them when I get a chance (I'm at work), but someone can correct me if I'm wrong!
Correct, the Spanish native vocal is a part of Phase 2. ES4 is English only.
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018

Purchase page

It's so good, I love them!! That design is a lot of fun too. Will definitely be preordering, just not sure if now or later. We were right about them being the void too!


Longtime Listener
Apr 8, 2018
Oh wow I didn't expect preorders to be opened this soon! I preordered a copy as soon as I saw the page was up. Definitely not obsessed with this company XP I super love the demo, it's probably going to be stuck in my head for at least a week


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike

Their duets with Selena will be legendary! I notice the tuning in this demo looks to be very purposeful flat manual tuning*, I'm very interested to hear their natural vibrato and auto-tuning.

*I slightly worry that leading with this as their initial demo (though it's a bop) might mislead people into thinking NYL lacks realistic nuances altogether, and will result in some assuming they're a lower-quality voicebank. But I don't personally feel the need to make this criticism yet, as SynthV has such a strong track record of capturing the subtle characteristics of their voice providers. It feels like a safe guess that this tuning was a stylistic choice on Eggtans part, perhaps done out of necessity if this isn't NYL's ideal genre/tempo.
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v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
i am SO excited for them. pre ordering right away.

also re: tuning of the song, i guess i wouldnt worry too much w impressions of them just based on this as ES typically do multiple demo songs before release anyways, with a variety of tuning from the specific artists, and eggtan tends to sound like this. tho despite this song's tuning Nyl still sounds just as high quality and realistic to me imo, just with a sorta flat auto-tune sound (ya know, the stylistic auto tune for robotic sounds). they just sounds like a mostly-human voice with that effect to me.
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Aspiring Fan
Dec 25, 2022
I knew they were gonna be purple!
Anyway Nyl sounds very cool and I love them!
I trust Eclipsed Sounds to deliver quality synthesis so I am looking forward to them.
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Ryleigh Goldner

Prime Minister of South Zenith
Feb 25, 2023
Bangkok, Thailand
Apparently, my brain runs on Netscape Navigator and I posted NYL's demo despite it already having been posted in the thread and that I already saw the post. Whoopty whoop, my mistake has now been removed.

Also removed two tweets that contain the demo.

Here's NYL's now-revealed design official character art! Drum roll, please...

They're eating

(quite cleanly, elegantly, and fabulously, in fact)

Keep It Positive! (@PositiveVSynth) on Twitter, for being the first one to report
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