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Suggestion Adding a hidden subforum?


In 2D hell
Apr 8, 2018
...Now, not something as controversial as that section on VO (ofc it should still be moderated just like any other section).
But could we maybe have a hidden subforum for things users want to post, but keep only to members of this community? Things like user journals or 'post a picture of yourself' type topics.
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Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
I fully support this idea! A fun way to connect with other users and still keep it semi-private, would love to see user journals and such on here

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I'd be fine with a members-only subforum so long as it's not like the The Board That Must Not Be Named on VO. That board was a prominent source of drama back in VO's early days (and I hardly browsed it because it was so full of questionable things to teenage me).


Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
That feeling when you haven't been a member of VO and you don't know what section people are referring to... Nevermind, it's irrelevant to the topic.

Ahem, anyway, I support the idea, I'm sure there would be use for a "members only" subforum to post stuff people want to share/discuss etc. but don't necessarily want the whole world to see.


feng yi supremacy
Apr 8, 2018
elsewhere looking for oarfish
That feeling when you haven't been a member of VO and you don't know what section people are referring to... Nevermind, it's irrelevant to the topic.
the VO subsection that everybody is talking about was a 18+ section where most of the rules were thrown out the window, and so ppl were allowed to be raunchy and more wild. It was mostly full of shit posting and memes, esp at the end of VO. I wasn't around VO when the drama was at its worst, but bc of its Anything Goes nature there were a lot of call out threads and opinions threads and angry threads that started a lot of infighting and drama amongst users. It had moderation when the drama spun out of control but things became hectic very fast and eventually became a huge stain on VO. It had a lot of good things in it too, and it was fun when it was fun, but when it was nasty is was a horror fest


May 2, 2018
I would be down for a hidden sub forum. Most non members don't really want to see random shitpost and such. They just kinda drop in for news and such.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
the VO subsection that everybody is talking about was a 18+ section where most of the rules were thrown out the window, and so ppl were allowed to be raunchy and more wild. It was mostly full of shit posting and memes, esp at the end of VO. I wasn't around VO when the drama was at its worst, but bc of its Anything Goes nature there were a lot of call out threads and opinions threads and angry threads that started a lot of infighting and drama amongst users. It had moderation when the drama spun out of control but things became hectic very fast and eventually became a huge stain on VO. It had a lot of good things in it too, and it was fun when it was fun, but when it was nasty is was a horror fest
I'm not sure if I'd use a hidden subforum or not, but that sounds like exactly the sort of situation everyone was hoping wouldn't happen here. Having said that, the subforum isn't necessarily a bad idea--it could be good if we wanted to do some kind of sitewide collaboration thing that wasn't exposed to non-members or something (Not sure what that'd be--a song everyone could collaborate on that actually got released for general distribution? Some kind of members-only group trip to a concert?). It just seems like it would be best if such a subforum followed the same rules as everywhere else.

(I mean, when you come down to it, WordPress, Blogger, LiveJournal, etc., are free and easily available for anyone to use for whatever, after all.)


Linguistics Enthusiast
Staff member
Mar 7, 2018
Just wanted to pop in and say that we currently have no plans for a members-only section. Even if we did, we cannot guarantee the privacy of stuff in there because previews could still be shown in search engines.

If you want a more private, members-only experience we would recommend using the official discord.

This isn't to say that we won't consider it in the future, so please feel free to keep voicing your opinions.

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